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Ofsted Have Been Naughty


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Yesterday i received what i believed to be the draft copy of my groups care inspection(was meant to be educational one - but thats another story!) on opening the envelope i found the first page with my details on correct. i then moved onto the inspection itself and found it to be.........................someone elses care inspection!!!! :o I couldnt believe it, they had put someone elses inspection draft in an envelope and sent it to me. xD

I was so mad, i phoned ofsted this morning and had a few choice words for them such as confidentiality, unhappy bunny- and "wheres my report then?", first person i spoke to said dont worry i will send you an envelope , you can send it back! Duh,no, i not happy with that so i phoned person who sent my report and signed it, Mmmmm better response then!!

Sorry to vent ,


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I got a phone call from OFSTED inspector today, saying that she will be with me sometime in the last 2 weeks of April! I'm hoping it's the first day we go back so it's over and done with!! :)

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I had major problems with my transitional inspection in 2002. It's a very, very long story-the inspector went to my home address! Twice!!! And didn't ring me at work or leave a message on my answermachine at home! I then had a very heated discussion with her on the telephone after I had phoned the office.

I made a formal complaint-not only about the inspector but also about misaddressed mail, spelling and grammar errors, and the lack of communication between the office and inspectors and settings. I had a complaints officer come out to my home to discuss my grievances and I got a letter of apology. They also sent a different inspector out a few weeks later!

So complaining does work and should be done so that a record is made. If I were you Kim I would make your complaint formally!


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My grievances have gone off in a letter -enclosed with the report that is not mine. i wonder what Ofsted would have done to me if i had breached confidentiality, as in my mind they themselves have!

On a nicer note, i recieved my report today ( i think my conversation with the O lady yesterday must have done something good!) and got another Good - here we have unsatisfactory, satisfactory or good! Yea my grey hair was worth it !!! :o

oh, and hi cybertwin


kim-snoz xD

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We had our inspection on the 26th feb, so about a month to get the report- i think that is too long as you recieve only a draft copy and have say you accept the findings of the inspector and sign a form and send back-then you recieve a proper copy of the report!

I will be telling the parents when we get back after easter and will copy the drraft as i did last tiem-they like to know what happened!


kim :o

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We had our combined inspection in January and were anxiously waiting the draft report, like Kim. I was checking with the Chair daily and making quite a nuisance of myself! Imagine our horror when the Chair answered his door to a lady from a nursery across town who opened her inspection report and found ours instead! Being a kindred spirit she jumped in her car and brought it straight round, bless her. I was indignant that Ofsted could be so careless and fired off a letter of complaint to the address indicated on their little flyer they send out with the pre-inspection stuff. All I received in response was a phone call saying that the person responsible for posting had said she was very sorry but she was under pressure that day and must have made a mistake. I was assured it wouldn't happen again. Did I wish to pursue the matter? I left it like that. Doesn't fill you with confidence does it.

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I really do feel that settings should take matters further if they are not satisfied with the outcome of a complaint. I was lucky, my complaint was dealt with by a senior complaints officer who did her job well. But, if settings let OFSTED get away with these errors nothing will change. I don't believe in complaining for complainings sake but if you have a genuine grievance then they must get it sorted and at least send a letter of apology!


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We had an inspection last May and were told the draft report would be with us in a couple of weeks. However it actually arrived in July when we'd already broken up for the summer. All correspondence goes to the hall and because nobody went in through the holidays we didn't actually recieve the report until after the date we had to reply if we didn't agree with the report. :o Does that make sense?? Apparently this has happened to several other people as well. The time it takes probably depends on the area you live in though.

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I had an experience last Summer with Ofsted, they had put the wrong report up on their website for our pre-school. It took at least 12 weeks to sort out with many e-mails and phone calls. I even wrote to the new chief in the end. (Poor man had only just taken on the job!)


So - check whats on the site girls (and boys I hope!) Let's get it sorted!

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I had my combined inspection in November 2003. (they were supposed to come in July but they cancelled). Our care side of the report was sent back to us first in Jan 04 with factual errors. We wrote back and they said it was their fault and they would change the errors. Then they put our report on their web site with the errors still in it. Then we had our educational side of the report in Feb 04 which contradicted things in the care side of the report.They said it would take 4 - 6 mths to sort it out. It was finally sorted out at the end of March 04 and we were finally able to send copies to parents.


Beside all of the problems with our reports I have been told by Ofsted that I have accidently been deleted from their system, I have run pre-school groups for 10 years and now they have no record of me!!!


They have also confussed the group I use to work at with the group I currently work and had both reports under the same Ofsted number.



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I'd just love to be deleted by Ofsted. If I were I'd lie low and keep quiet. Just to add more smoke to the fire Ofsted haven't improved because on my last Ofsted 2 years ago they send me the wrong report. When I phoned they were most unconcerned. When I eventually received mine it had many mistakes in it. One of them was that I didn't have ANY children that could speak English. When I queried this I was told "just a typing error". No apology was given. In the first place the Inspector arrived 1.5.hrs late and she commented that she saw no evidence of mark making which she didn't because she missed it. We clear away at 10.45 anyway. When I complained about this I was told that Inspectors are only human and they can get stuck in traffic due to bad weather.I gave up complaining in the end.

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  • 11 months later...

Another sorry Ofsted saga!


When looking for our report on the website, I noticed that they have put in a link so you can check if there have been any complaints about a particular setting.


I wonder where the link to check on complaints about Ofsted is??



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Ah, how lovely to hear from the only member of the Ofsted Appreciation Society!


As for getting a job with Ofsted, I think you've got it the wrong way round. I think Ofsted staff should be made to spend a set time per year working in pre-school. Maybe then they would understand the effect of all their edicts on the 'real world'.


Does anyone watch the 'back to the floor' series where head honchos of large companies go back to basics doing some fairly menial job within their organisation? I'd welcome the Chief Inpsector if he wanted to volunteer to help with toilet time - always supposing he's got an enhanced disclosure!



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We gather all our children together for story/phonics time with another adult supervising the children as they go to the toilet/wash their hands ready for snack. Good sessions for listening skills, as well as developing good personal hygiene habits.


It also gives us a bit of breathing space while snack tables are prepared, without worrying about moving tables and chairs with children around.



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