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Can You Believe This?


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As some of you know we were inspected last Oct. and never received a copy our 'outstanding' report (still haven't) due to inspector off on sick leave. Really fed up- no letter of apology from Ofsted - so a couple of weeks ago we asked our advisory teacher from the LA to perhaps mention something on our behalf to the big O people when she next met with them at their meetings together. Our LA teacher phoned yesterday to say that if we wanted to, Ofsted could offer us a re-inspection???????




MMmm! me thinks not!


So - still waiting - all we want is maybe the outcome acknowledged on the Ofsted website with a line to say that the full report will be available at a later date and a letter of apology to our parents - is that too much to ask maybe?

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Guest Wolfie

That's appalling, I can't believe that they think a re-inspection is the answer....and one that you'd actually agree to!


The inspector MUST have all her evidence logged from when she was carrying out the inspection so, even if there has been a time delay, she should be able to write it up into a report without too many problems?!


Have you made an official complaint to Ofsted?

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All her inspection notes were on her laptop at our feedback after the inspection, ready to write up more fully. However because she's off sick she can't write it up. We haven't made an official complaint, as it wasn't a complaint against the way the inspection was carried out, and we understand that the inspector can't help being ill. - However, we started to draft a letter of complaint after waiting so long, but then thought "what will they do?" - probably send another inspector out if we moan too much! Catch 22!!!! Can we refuse another inspection in such a short space of time? Especially as we got such a good report? Does anyone know where we stand on this? I am not prepared to put the staff through another Inspection, through no fault of our own.

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I can't believe you don't want another inspection! :oxD

I would ask if it would be possible to have something put in writing, even if it is only the outcome and an explanation as to why you haven't had the full report. It isn't fair to keep you hanging on-is the inspector so ill that she couldn't even email your report for somebody else to write it up? Or even send you a copy of her notes?

As to offering you a reinspection-they're having a laugh. Who in their right mind would want to go through all of that again so soon. And who is to say that the inspector would give you the same outcome-we all know how contrary they can be.


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Guest Wolfie

I agree with Marion, the inspector's notes and evidence should be sufficient for SOMEONE to write a report; she has made the important overall judgements and the report should be a summary of the evidence collected to support those judgements, all of which should be on her laptop. In my dim and distant past I was an RGNI for a while and the importance of having legible and comprehensive evidence and notes to back up every statement and judgement being made was always being impressed on us in case there were any complaints. Our evidence had to be scrutinised by several different people during the process of producing the report so it had to be clear and easily understood by anyone.


If you're going to complain I would go at it from that angle. Even Ofsted can't expect you to accpet that you have to undergo another inspection!

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My last inspection ran in the same way. The inspector was off sick, no explanation give. But when I phoned and told them how unprofessional it is was to keep us in the dark and asked for a new inspection by someone who would be able to carry out the task from start to finish, they wouldnt do it.

The report came 5 months later written by someone else, so it is possible to pass notes to others.

I told anyone who asked, what feedback had been like and explained why the report hadnt arrived.


Put a notice up or pass a newsletter around saying what you were told at feedback, and thus what you are confident of the report finally saying. Confidentiality be hanged after this long. :D


Good job we have higher standards :D:D

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Guest Wolfie

I quite agree with Rea - you have been left waiting for confirmation of your excellence for far too long, with no credible explanation - start celebrating! :)

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I agree with others sentiments and advice. I would write to Ofsted asking what their procedures are in the event of an Inspector not completing reports for whatever reason. What time scales do they have ( are they sticking to their own policy/procedures?). I would then ask for a written conformation of what they are doing about the situation which you can give to parents. I would ask that they respond within a given time frame ie: 2 weeks.


Strongly agree that you should not have to have another Inspection, one argument being that it is a waste of public money as I am sure there is a cost implication of sending out another Inspector. :o


It is a shame that you have been made to feel anxious over all this in terms of quote " "what will they do?" - probably send another inspector out if we moan too much! Catch 22!!! I don't know the legalities of this but would think that as an assessment decision has been made, this should stand.

Also Ofsted are 'advertising' settings who have received an outstanding on their website, you are excluded from this because of their lack of dealing with the situation. This also has implications on your business in terms of PR, which is what Inspections are all about from a parents perspective.


Good luck.



Peggy Minter

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Thanks for your replies everyone - I think a letter from Ofsted offering some sort of explanation is the next route we are going to try for (again!!) - with a 2 week reply by date.


Will keep you all posted.

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Just a thought - do you have a parent who could raise this as a complaint?


These reports are carried out to ensure that parents know the quality of provision - perhaps if a parent complained and I know it would go on your file but lets face it they are not complaining about the group personally they are complaining about Ofsted so it really wouldn't matter only if it appeared on your report. Only thing is they may then have to reinspect you with a different inspector who may not take the same view. But then you may get this anyway - but an official parent letter to them may carry more weight into getting them to give a decision on what to do.

I don't know needs to be though about carefully. You don't want to aggravate the situation and you certainly don't want to have to go through the whole thing again


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