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I'm Furious!


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Haven't calmed down yet! Some of you will know the problems we had with trying to get hold of our last Ofsted report (October last year)due to our Inspector being off sick after she's done the Inspection (see previous posts) Ofsted have done absolutely NOTHING since our Inspection - where we can't officially tell anyone our outcome (which by the way was outstanding for both Care and Education!) - I don't care any more that we can't tell anyone. There has been no apology, explanation, no letter for us to give to parents etc etc. We feel totally dejected as we haven't been able to celebrate or advertise out oucome - so the final straw came today - we were fuming and not very impressed after we heard via a phone call from our LEA advisory teacher, that Ofsted had had a meeting about us (nice of them to let us know! - why did they let our LEA know, and not us?) and the outcome is that Ofsted cannot get hold of the notes on the Inspectors computor that were made at our Inspection last October, so will be Inspecting us again in the next 2 - 3 months!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't this what they do when 'Special Measures' are in place and not OUTSTANDING! As you can imagine - Staff morale hit rock bottom. What happens if the new Inspector finds a different outcome? It looks as though we will have made the initial Inspection up (thankfully one of the parents - our chair person was there at the feedback)

Can anyone tell us where to go to complain about Ofsted and have Ofsted brought to task about this? Why can't they access the notes from the previous Inspection? We saw them on her laptop - so what is the problem?

Is this the reward we get for an Outstanding Outcome? Absolutely Furious!

Sorry - had to air it somewhere - do you think we have the right to deny the next Inspector Access or not?


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Guest Wolfie

That's absolutely atrocious! I can't believe that Ofsted think you'll take their plan of action lying down! Good luck with the complaint, I can't think of anything MORE worthy of a complaint at the moment - let us know how you get on.

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Guest tinkerbell


I feel cross for you myhenroxanne hope all becomes clear and marions address is helpful


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That is outrageous. Poor you. Not what you need at all. So basically she's lost the report! Can't she give them verbal feedback?

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That is outrageous. Poor you. Not what you need at all. So basically she's lost the report! Can't she give them verbal feedback?


Apparantly not! She's still off sick.


Thanks for the link Marion - You'll be kept updated I'm sure - I'm not letting this one go - so mad have resorted to fried sausages instead of griled for tea tonight :o

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Thats absolutely disgusting to achieve an outstanding is brilliant and to be denied the recognition and joy that you richly deserve through no fault of your own is appalling. please please complain and take it as high as you can when you work so hard it is unfair to be kicked in the teeth like this. I am sure you would get outstanding on another inspection as you obviously have a excellent setting but why should you hev to go through it again. Please let us all know hoe you get on. Shelley

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I hope you enjoyed your sausages myhenroxanne, I too would be absolutely furious if I was in your position and like you say, outstanding should result in professional respect from other professionals in terms of writing to you and involving you in meetings regarding future possible procedings etc.


Marions link looks good because it specifically relates to Freedom of Information, I am sure there is also a general complaints procedure found on the Ofsted site which you may also like to follow regarding the Inspectors lack of responsibilities to pass on information pertaining to you etc.


Good luck with the complaints and I really hope that they change their mind and give you the accolade you deserve.



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We complained about O previously, the report bore no resemblence to our setting, and contained information about another setting. As a result we were 'done' 3x in one year - got outstanding in the end!

What a shambles!

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Thanks for all your messages of support - will keep you all posted - thinking of writing to our MP too. He's usually pretty good at getting things done. Somebody suggested we should involve PLA as we are members - past experience says perhaps NOT!

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Thanks for all your messages of support - will keep you all posted - thinking of writing to our MP too. He's usually pretty good at getting things done. Somebody suggested we should involve PLA as we are members - past experience says perhaps NOT!


Please don't give up...I was involved in an inspection where our report had been cut and pasted from another setting's report. You should be proud of your fantastic setting - congratulations from all of us, even if you can't celebrate officially yet.

Keep strong!

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I too think it is absolutely terrible that you got your outstanding but just cannot celebrate it and you have to go through another inspection. However, I am also the sort of person that feels that perhaps if I created too many waves and ripples this might reflect on my next inspection. We are all only too aware of the discrepancies between inspectors and how they inspect and how their personal values on things differ. Did you make any notes from the meeting? If you have the same team of people and there have been no changes then I see no reason why you shouldn't be given another outstanding and if not then I would certainly be asking questions and referring to the notes and comments made by the other inspector in a very nice but calm way. It was good that you had a parent in with you, was she your chair? I think it is appalling but somehow I don't think you are going to beat not having another inspection, something has gone terribly wrong and yes you have a right to know what it is. I wish you all the luck and am sure you will get a glowing report - but remember that this is not the new inspectors fault no matter how much you want to complain to her, she is only doing her job so getting her on your side is important. I certainly would make a complaint or you could get you parent to make a complaint on your behalf as it may carry more weight especially if she has a child at the group, but as you are hopefully going to get another outstanding then I would be just sit on it a while before launching in. Certainly, if the inspection gives a different outcome then I would go ape and complain to the highest level. But there again that's me - you must do what you feel is right.


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Just when I thought I couldn't be surprised by another Ofsted story!


My heart goes out to you. Everything has been said already, so all I can add is that I hope your complaint is taken seriously and you get what you so richly deserve in the end. Heaven knows there are few enough 'outstanding' providers but where practice is excellent it deserves to be recognised and celebrated not punished.


I know its a bit 'David and Goliath' at the moment, but the little guy won in the end didn't he?



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