Have they lost the reasoning for obs? I used to have a sticker on the front of their notebooks to say something along the lines of ‘I need to record this because…. It’s an exciting development for this child, it’s a recorded ‘next step’ , it’s something I need to work on with this child’
Maybe having that, or something similar as a reasoning will help them to focus. Don’t be afraid to challenge observations - if you’re getting several that aren’t showing any progression, and are just recording the same statements each time, then they’re a waste of time. If you see obs being done, ask who and why, and what they’re hoping to see.
Definitely reduce this number of obs. I’d be tempted to challenge them to just do a maximum of three GOOD Obs a week. One good observation is worth more than ten mediocre ones that show no progression.
For Next Steps, they should really only be looking at one area at a time, it’s just not possible to hold six areas in your head for each key child! They’re making waaaaay too much work for themselves.
Do you have progress meetings with staff to go through their children’s development records? They are really helpful for helping staff to focus their minds on particular things. If you do those, it also helps when you see observations being done, as you know what they’re meant to be looking for. I’d definitely start those if you don’t already do them. This term is a great time to start, so you can look at what has been addressed so far, and praise what’s really good, and look at what you want at the start of the new year. Get the staff used to you wanting some input. They might initially be a bit defensive, but if they see that they’re getting praise for what they’ve done, and some help in areas that they can reduce their workload, then hopefully they’ll not see it as an examination of their work in a negative way. Remember the praise sandwich - start out with some positives, then any improvements you’d like to see, and end with some good positives again. End on a high.