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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_13453

  1. Oh I’m devastated! I don’t know what to say. I’m in shock. She was such a fabulous, fabulous person on here, always ready with helpful advice and friendship, always ready for a bit of lighthearted fun. Although we obviously never met in person, I regarded her as a true friend, whose shining light on here will be very sadly missed. Much love to you all, and know that our thoughts and prayers go with you xxxxx
  2. Lovely watching Charlotte with her fingers tightly crossed!
  3. Yes it only takes a crumb in the butter or the jam from a careless knife for a complete reaction for a sensitive coeliac. That’s why we have our own butter etc. Luckily my husband and I are both coeliac so it makes life much simpler at home. A completely gluten free house - and when family stay, they eat gf too.
  4. I did a jumper for my granddaughter with that method. It was the splitting for the head hole that was the most difficult bit 🤪🤪
  5. No, not at all Mouseketeer. I was just wondering if WhatsApp chat would be simpler, is all. But not if we don’t all have it. That’s no good. Glutening, yes, I think it must have been on Monday when I was serving at the coffee morning. I usually only do the gluten free things but I had to serve some muggle stuff too this week as we were a volunteer down. I washed my hands before and after handling scones and cakes etc, but I must have had a crumb under a nail or something silly, then nibbled a nail later on. It’s so easily done and doesn’t take much! Takes a few days to get over it, depending on the severity - it can last a month if it’s bad. Mainly full fatigue and woolly head alongside ‘bathroom bound’ with lack of appetite.
  6. Out of interest, how many folk on here have WhatsApp?
  7. I’ve been feeling rubbish most of the week having been glutened on Monday. I’ve not got a lot to show for myself this week apart from losing half a stone that I didn’t intend. Hopefully it’ll sort over the weekend and I can get on with stuff I’m meant to be doing - if it’s hoying it down, that won’t be dead-heading! I’ll be jamming I expect with the gooseberries and redcurrants currently in the fridge, I’ve got dried apricots soaking for the jam I was meant to do on Wednesday, so hopefully they’ll still be okay. I’ll have so much fridge space!
  8. I’ve been making loads of French knitting cords for the drawstring bags I’ve been making as gift bags instead of using wrapping paper. I cord is fun and it grows quite quickly.
  9. Well we’ve had a little of the wet stuff, but it didn’t penetrate the tree canopy at all, so everything is still really dry under there.
  10. It’s a regular thing in Lastingham here too
  11. Good morning! Yes, ‘it’s Friday again already 🤪 One of my Granddogs is arriving for the weekend in a few hours - I’ll need to cut the grass before she arrives as she’s a ‘scatter sh****r’, nugget here, nugget over there, maybe one down here……….. At least I can confine her to one area for that 🤭
  12. Yes, I know the feeling and I miss doing it. Sometimes solutions to problems just pop into my head whilst I’m relaxed.
  13. I love collecting sea glass!! Family are all told to look for it on their beach visits as I can’t do it myself at the moment, sadly. We’ll get back there though!
  14. We had a little boy who was diagnosed with leukaemia whilst he was with us. He was only 3 and it seemed so cruel. We used Tapestry to keep in touch with him, posting pictures of his friends and giving his parents ideas for him to do which tallied with what we were doing. We were able to keep abreast of his learning through the pictures and text that his parents posted on there and did actually continue to assess his progress through the ELGs, which was incredibly helpful for them. We planned with them and really worked together to ensure that he could progress on those days when he was able to. He did recover, thankfully, and although he did relapse later, I believe, he was able to enjoy ‘big school’ briefly.
  15. I’m not sure we can put the blame on covid for this, although loads seem to be being dumped in that direction. I think we are sufficiently far removed from it now that this is just very poor parenting. Over the years I’ve had stubborn children and had be actually quite strict in my dealings with them, to the point that it became well known in the village that “Mrs C will sort him out when he gets to preschool” I wasn’t sure how that made me feel really. I’ve lost count of the times I’ve said to parents ‘just say ‘ no’ and mean it, stick with it, and don’t, whatever happens, back down once you’ve said it’
  16. Oh goodness! Where to start?? Do you prefer non- fiction or fiction? Juicy murder mystery or romcom?
  17. It was very popular and all went really quickly.
  18. I made a carrot cake for coffee morning on Monday - that constituted ‘work’ in that heat!
  19. NNEB certificates always seem to have been a tough one to ‘translate’ for the DoE. Hopefully someone can come along and advise you. In the meantime, it could be a plan to phone Ofsted and see what they advise? You just might get someone with a definitive answer. I know you’ll have worked your socks off to get your level 3, so there has to be an answer!
  20. So excited, my actual real granddaughter is coming to visit today! They’re staying at the Premier Inn down the road for a couple of nights, so it’s not too much for Zebedee, but it’s going to be so, so lovely to see them. It was meant to be a celebratory visit as he’d had his last chemo, but that’s now going to be ongoing until September. They’ll just have to visit again! 🤣🤣
  21. Such a relief when they accept help, isn’t it! Have a lovely time with the granddogs - ours has gone home again now, so we can relax. She’s no bother really but she’s constantly underfoot and shadows me everywhere as if she’s not letting me out of her sight after her mum vanished! 🤣🤭
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