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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_13453

  1. Yes I was just going to suggest the same thing, and also what qualifications they already have. I had a member of staff who was actually a qualified teacher, but had come out of that because of the pressure. She had no NVQ and was doing her level 3, so I did count her in ratio.
  2. Oh yes! Our number was 3308 when we got married! I remember what an incredible low digit number it was when I used to ring him from Leeds, it was 0900 3308 for the whole number in Cumbria, whereas we in Leeds had had the extra 66 in front of our number for a while. We’d been married a few years before they added a 81 to the Cumbria number! Then we got that extra digit in the area code as well!
  3. It can’t be washed in the hotter temperatures that they need for germ killing as well as the allergy aspect.
  4. It had to be washable, that was all I was told when I was making knitted things for preemies. Not wool in case of allergies.
  5. Oh yes, and at secondary school, unless it was ‘that time’ when you were allowed to wear a skirt, but honestly, it was more of a frill than a skirt, hardly worth the bother. Plus I always felt that it was advertising the fact - especially when I was the first in the class to be wearing one! 😳
  6. Haha - I had an Auntie Win and an Uncle Bonk! Also an Uncle Buzz - but he’d got his moniker flying Lancasters in the war, no idea about the other couple, just accepted it, as you did! Yes, I remember black jacks and fruit salads, two for a farthing, the little step we stood on to peer through the glass whilst making the selection. All handled by staff with hands that were only washed at meal times or if the got sticky. Flying saucers, those little rainbow drops that were a huge quantity for a penny, twists of rainbow sherbet…… The swizz when decimalisation came in and we worked out how much things had suddenly gone up, bags of crisps etc. Out on your bike all day and back when the streetlights come on - if you were anywhere near streetlights of course! And being late back and being told that half the police force of Yorkshire had been out looking for me (and then waiting for someone to ring the police to tell them I’d turned up 🤭) Chopper bikes that my friends had, and I had my mum’s huge heavy thing with a basket on the front. It was a bike, it didn’t matter. such a lot of recycling went on - taking glass bottles back to the shops for the deposit back, milk bottles always in glass, always having our own shopping bags - never plastic. Lunches wrapped in tinfoil that was then reused and reused until being recycled in the collection of milk bottle tops. Collecting used stamps for charity and those Blue Peter random annual appeals. John Noakes and Shep …….. ahhhhh we never had fizzy pop or chocolate biscuits in the house except for birthday parties, but my auntie Joanie did (a bike ride away) tra la la. She also made tomato sandwiches on white bread where the slices of tomato actually overlapped!!!! happy, uncomplicated days …..
  7. Yes. I’ve been following the weather radar map in my app. Fingers crossed that it’s not too savage and breaks everything
  8. Oh my! I was wondering how he was faring with this heat, sorry to hear that he is struggling. The rash sounds odd, I’ve not come across anything related to chicken pox that wasn’t chicken pox other than shingles! Hopefully what we called a ‘heat rash’ back in the day. Do you remember heat lumps? I used to get them on my legs, they were incredibly itchy! We have also deferred Father’s Day to the following weekend when our son, DIL and granddaughter will hopefully be here.
  9. That’s fabulous! Yes, that’s a real result!
  10. Here’s a new one! The small lady standing next to him is called Kate Giles and she has written a fascinating book about the wall paintings. I’m really pleased she was able to be there to explain them all to him.
  11. We had a visitor in Pickering today! I couldn’t go and meet him as we are still post chemo quarantining. But I’ve been bombarded with pictures from friends who went along. If you go to our website (pickeringchurch.com) you can see the pictures on the home page.
  12. Like this. This doesn’t seem to have anything to help hold the quilt open.
  13. Yes. I’m not sure what to put on!
  14. If you’ve got a fan, set up a cooling tent. Open up a king size quilt cover and put a couple of chairs in to hold the hole open, put a fan at the hole end and it will open up like a hot air balloon and be deliciously cool inside, hopefully you can persuade the dog inside.
  15. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤭. Seeing you in a whole new light!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  16. Zebedee’s 6th chemo went well yesterday - he is gently glowing as normal for the next day. I’ve made him a batch of his favourite carrot cake as buns, so he can enjoy them before his sense of taste goes. Buns are easier as I can bung them in the freezer and just get out and frost what we need. Obviously he would prefer a good slice of cake, but with all the steroids we are keeping an eye on the scales. He will probably have 2 buns today, which will equate to a good slice of cake! 🤣🤣🤭. They are muffin sized. We took some to the nurses yesterday - we always take them something when he goes, but no nuts in theirs of course. No nuts allowed in hospital.
  17. Will you still get whatever it is? Do you know what it is?
  18. Whoops! 🤭. It is a bit funny though. Someone should have slipped you the wink.
  19. So I’ll be 15 years next month, apparently. Will my apples go red?
  20. Yes I’d spotted them earlier, but thanks for the explanation - I was wondering what each stage looked like x
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