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Posts posted by AnonyMouse_30105

  1. Well after signing contracts etc she decided 4 days later that she no longer wants my service. I rang the legal dept and they said she has full rights to pull out even though she signed the contract and did not have a settling in period. Was due to have her kids on the monday and she text me to say she nolonger needed my service on the friday before. Contract was signed the monday before she text me - sooooooooooooooooo mad as she made me complete 2 contracts and 3 record forms!!!!!!! Now i have to fork out for new contracts etc.

  2. I was inspected in December and it was my first inspection. The ofsted inspector said because i had done part of my SEF that she could grade me better as i was aware of where i needed improvemnets etc x I was graded good overall which she said was fab for first inspection. She also said due to the amount of paperwork etc that i had and learning journey that i had a better grade than a first time childminder usually would get xxx

  3. I have a parent who has signed contracts for 3-6.30pm. A few hours later she text me to say she wont be able to afford our agreed rate and she wants to change the hours till 3 -6 and send a taxi to pick them up. The children are 7, 9 and 12 yrs old. Would anyone do this? and also where do i stand with the contract? I did originally tell her she should give me 4 weeks notice.


    URGENT HELP NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  4. All sorted - i rang her and left a message as we did arrange a time and date. She rang back to say she was at the door at 1.30 as stated. Found out she was at the wrong house in a different close. She is coming today x Just wondering what do you guys charge for afer school rates? I was thinking of £3 per hour but she wants me to have the kiddies till 6.30 - 6.45 and normally i charge a higher fee for normal mindees after 6 pm. Do you think charging £3.00 per hour and then £1.50 for the half hour after my normal hours would be ok. Or would you do it differently????

  5. Just wondering if anyone else has the same thing happen to them. Each time a parent is meant to come round to discuss me having their kids they never turn up - no phone call nothing its sooooooooooooooooo annoying. This has happened to me 2 out of 3 time now and im getting very fed up as its wasting my time hanging round the house waiting for them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. My hours are 8 hours per week, can i use the 10% reduction for this for my tax return or am i not allowed to deduct anything as im working less than 10 hours????? How do you stand on contract mobiles where calls and text are in my allowance and dont show a cost?


    Im soooooooooooooooooooo confused !

  7. My hours are 8 hours per week, can i use the 10% reduction for this for my tax return or am i not allowed to deduct anything as im working less than 10 hours????? How do you stand on contract mobiles where calls and text are in my allowance and dont show a cost?

  8. Hello , Ive got my first mindee starting next week and i have no idea what im doing in relation to observations and planning. She will be 2 @ end of month. Do i have to plan around what she likes and also do planning around seasons, festivals thru out the year etc? What observations do i do? Do i do indepth obs on what she is doing ( say 1 per month) - to include next steps / links to EYFS / How i supported learning and development? and say maybe (1 per month) quick ob as what she is doing generally to includ links to EYFS / Next steps and age range, and (1 per month) obs of adult led activity???



    Im only having the little girl Thursday and Friday afternoon every other week.

  9. Ive just written down all my start up expenses i have had and i shall write down all my earnings. I dont think it will matter that much to the tax man as im only earning £54 per month so will not be alot when it come to tax return - my total earnings before outgoings will be £270.


    I do have a part time office job which i pay tax on so will i be able to claim anymore tax credits??? At moment i receieve working tax credits to pay my daughters nursery fees!

  10. hi all, ive just registered ( well starting from 4th nov) i spoke to my friend who is an accountant and he has confirmed that you can add the last 12months expenses to your first year tax books. He said just put the date of starting as 4th nov 2010 against each expense (receipts for 2009) next to the date and number each receipt. Then start fresh from 4th november for anything else i buy after this date underneath. Hope this helps anyone else.

  11. Hello All,


    I have finally signed contracts today for my first mindee. Im having the little girl Thurs & Fri 1pm - 5pm every other week. I started doing my childcare course etc in 2009 and bought equipment as i went along. Now its 2010. Can i record this in this years tax accounts? If so how do i do it. I have NCMA accounts book and it goes Monthly. Do i just use 1 page for all last years expenses and a new page for this years then a new one from when im actually having the little girl starting in Novemaber ??????????????????????????????????????????



  12. Thanks Upsy Daisy, Not too sure really what im doing as this is all so new. I guess its just the same as looking after my daughter but then writing up at the end what we did. Hope this is enough. I made cakes the other day with my little one which she did enjoy, and i know that my mindee likes baking so i may do this at least once per month.

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