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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_30128

  1. Think about the way you lay things out...so don't put red playdough on a red background. If you look up the site for colour blindness you can work out what if any his 'blindness' is (red/green blue/yellow etc) it is unlikely as you have found that he will not see any colour. If you find a decent optometrist they should be able to check it out (Family one may be the way to go as they know the history). The only other thing to add is i would teach ONE colour at a time....make sure he is really secure before moving on to another. Ive had children with colour blindness and eye problems the same rules kind of apply. much more common than one thinks!!. Have you seen the video of an american student who is given glasses so that he can see colour (he's about 13?) he looks in disbelief and bursts in to tears (())xx
  2. I would like to buy a fire pit for pre-school since we can no longer visit our forest school site. Does anyone have any recommendations? something with a guard rail would be good and not too low to the ground so that i don't burn the grass.!!
  3. whispers quietly ...16th for the children!
  4. suggested to my hubby he might be FC this year (as he's in my bubble and my daughters!) he was not impressed !😂 I have a plan to attach helium balloons to their gifts and spread them across the garden...allowing parents to come in to the bottom of the garden to collect their little one and then go home! reckon i could spin a story around FC dropping them on the way past! might even manage to borrow the snow machine! We are planning to film the nativity! Otherwise the usual general chaos and hype!
  5. younger staff members may have more experience than some older ones though so how would you (Dennie) deal with that?
  6. we pay all the same job staff the same....why would you descriminate for age?!?!?😉
  7. so you see this is the problem they can either be on the committee or you can remove them from the committee and give them a job.....they can't do both!
  8. Ask ofsted...lets face it you may get a different response than ive had. ! I chose not to employ the committee member because i was not able to get a health check done in the time frame required...the issue is the question on the DBS "are you going to work with the children directly?" as soon as you say yes to this the system kicks in to action to assume you are applying for a "new manager" role!!
  9. OMG zigzag...good luck with this one!!!! Ofsted will insist on her being dbs'd through them as if she were a manager...with health and safety questionnaire and all the gubbins!!!
  10. thanks Helen for the empathy....feeling a bit got at from all sides at the moment😅 Well i know the early adopters stuff is already on tapestry. I guess i was wondering if we will get an opportunity to play around with the system, give it a go, work out how it will work for us etc A bit like when we started having a 'test' period to work out how we can use it for our own setting. If we upload the early adopters framework can we use it without it affecting our normal tapestry account ? a sort of Beta test i guess?! Having read a bit more i am becoming aware of how much the new framework is going to change the way we record evidence/learning
  11. it wasn't supposed to happen it just came apart ....honest🙊
  12. well you could do what i did this week and break it 🙄😱 amazing what i found inside !😂
  13. on a slight aside (but related to this) does anyone know roughly how much an agency charges for a level 3 practitioner per hour? (berkshire)
  14. Thanks enuffsenuf. I have found myself in ostrich mode for most of the week (burys head!) I remain confused about what if any changes i will need to make (last nightsguidance no help!) ...it appears that we just continue to do what we do! anyone changed anything???? However personally i have had my bank card defrauded so now have no access to money!! 🙄
  15. I have to say that i am only just beginning to look at all of this. There has been so many other things to consider. I am concerned however about how much emphasis the first article written on the observation hub puts on join observational practice. I have been forced in to the position of getting rid of regular staff meetings, we cannot afford time out of the setting and now run every day from early till late. We have no time to sit down and discuss things! I have to do it this way to make sure we are financially viable. We need to run after school club and paid for lunch clubs to make up the shortfall in funding. I wonder how tapestry is going to organise this? maybe we could have a preview setting so that we can start to plan how that will look in our settings? I am not opposed to the changes. i actually think that they fit better with my ethos. But giving us freedom and then taking it away by putting in lots of you should and shouldn't ideas isn't going to work. ....sorry a bit of a ramble. Early morning thoughts
  16. btw if anyone is looking for books for the children (xmas?) the works have got 10 for £10 plus if you use FFXMAS25 you get another percentage off!
  17. Hadnt even thought about it🙄 tickets are going out next week (so they have 5 weeks to sell. Local groups will be informed ...hoping i might persuade a local business to sell for us too. Money returned in envelopes and isolated😅
  18. spent much of this week sorting our raffle too (no xmas fair this year!). Our council allow us to do most stuff online so very quick. Raffle ticket printers also very quick ...slightly worried about asking for donations but most have been super so far.
  19. Shingles is really horrible my daughter gets it when stressed and my friend gets shingles in the eye too...really painful hope all get better soon. As to the rest of your post i am going to be furious on your behalf!!!! How are the parents feeling about this? the children have a right and indeed depending on age a legal right to full time school . The school should be finding ways to accomodate this. If the EHC's are not in place a child is still entitled to their time in school ...how will they ever catch up otherwise??? The parents need to take this to their LEA. The school is being paid for the children to be there. if the parents want to i would suggest asking the pertinent questions on the special needs jungle website. This is against the disability discrimination act i do worry about situations like this the attitude is all wrong right from the beginning....doubt the head would be happy if someone said sorry i don't want your child full time at school because they are really bright and need extra support!!
  20. Test came back negative! not really a surprise but certainly a relief. Just got flu then !🤧 (worrying if i have managed to catch this then it could have been covid!)
  21. thanks guys...not too bad ..bad cold haven't got a cough or lost my taste buds yet (gin in hand!...well i had to make sure!)
  22. im in isolation....covid test results back tomorrow! (would be me wouldn't it!!!) 🙄
  23. wow thats quite a big question. I would be looking at the range IE what issues might ASD cause a high functioning (asperges) person and those who are challenged with severe autism (non verbal /isolated/serious behavioural issues) a diagnosis of asd would cover both of these people but their range of abilities and support services would be very different .(only my take on this of course) Stephen might be around to help later..
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