The Foundation Stage Forum Community
Welcome to the FSF – a community for early years professionals. Engage in conversations, offer and receive advice and support, make connections. Discover our library of education articles and podcast episodes to enhance your reflective practice. Working together to achieve high-quality early childhood education.

Using picture books to explore difference
by Caroline Vollans
Caroline Vollans connects with an author, an early years educator and a childminder about using story to explore and celebrate difference.

Podcast: The role of a childminder
Helen and Stephen are joined by Tina Maltman, Executive Director of Childminding UK. They talk about childminding as a career option and the state of the profession in 2024, as well as how Childminding UK supports childminders nationwide.
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Early Years educator and technology specialist Richard Waite reflects …
Richard shares his experience of supporting EY settings with their e-safety, why it’s important to consider for young children, and how to introduce the concept with families.
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