331 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hi All, I am about to enter my 3rd and final year of my teaching degree, I have specialised in the Early Years so feel that I should reflect this by choosing a relevant EY topic / focus for my dissertation. However, the word limit for our paper is rather short (7500 words) and so far many of the titles my friends and I have thought of have been rejected as they were too big! I am now stuck and at a mind-block lol! Can anyone suggest any ideas / tips on what I could base my research on? Any help would be greatly appreciated and would help me stress less before I go back to uni!! Thank You everyone! Sam x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 13 replies
I wonder if someone could help me with a top tip. How do I go about colouring large quantities of rice to then use dry? Do I need to cook it first and what do I use for the colour?
- 8 replies
Hi all I am enjoying summer holidays and long break from Uni studies and work! I need to start thinking about a research topic for my final year. Does anyone have any ideas? Also does anyone know good site for past research papers in Early Years and education? Look forward to yr ideas -thanks!
How To Address Parents As Doctors
by Guest- 16 replies
I don't want to come over as being a complete numpty, but..... I am posting the learning journeys to parents with a short letter, and I have two sets of parents who are both doctors. So do I start the letter with - Dear Drs Smith and Smith, Dear Drs Smith, or shall I play safe and write Dear parents? Can't even remember their christian names to use their initials as that information is at school, and I don't really want to start with Dear parents as I find that a bit impersonal on the letter that I'm writing. Sorry to be a bit bim, must be the weather, again Many thanks, Jackie.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Open Evening
by Guest- 5 replies
we are having an open evening next tuesday. And I have been trying to find where I can down load some information to display about what the children are learning from different activities. Eg: sand, construction, book, painting, playdough and so on. I down loaded them some time ago but unable to remember where from. Do anyone know of any web sites Thanks Rosie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 2 replies
If anyone is interested I visited local Matalan yesterday and picked up two old-fashioned cream trunks for £10- half price! Slightly battered with some bumps and superficial marks but they look fantastic- my imagination is running wild with ways to use them... tested them out today and the children loved them (we had all boys today too and they couldn't leave them alone) they also had a teepee for £15 which I resisted as we have lots of tents but thought would share these bargains with you lovely folks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
- 8 replies
Lots of you have recommended this to others, and i am trying to track it down. No luck in library,Amazon and Pay Pal say 3-8 weeks delivery!! does anyone have a copy i could buy or borrow till June for my dreaded disertation? Still seeking a firm focus too. May look at how the Profile links to NC, or how valued by year 1 teachers to aid transition? thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228, -
Boys Fine Motor Skills
by Guest- 8 replies
hello everyone me again. I wondered if anyone could tell me where I can reference the development of boys fine motor skills in respect of writing and developing this skill later than girls due to their muscle development please killowengirl with many many thanks
- 2 replies
During the summer term we plan to involve the children in gardening activities. The topic title is 'The Garden'! We have done this before and it proved very successful! However, if anyone has any great ideas, especially practical hands-on activities would be great. We have access to concrete playground.
Last reply by Steve, -
- 2 replies
Dear All, I am currently completing my research on outdoor play and am looking for academic literature to back up this in text. I have 2 good books on doing research but would appreciate any advise/help etc. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5458,