Is anyone allowing external visitors? I have been saying no (we don't have a separate room and we are not allowing parents inside, even for new starters). The guidance (updated today but I don't think this section has been updated) says:
External professionals
In instances where settings need to use other essential professionals such as social workers, speech and language therapists or counsellors, or other professionals to support delivery of a child’s EHC plan, settings should assess whether the professionals need to attend in person or can do so virtually.
If they need to attend in person, they should:
follow guidance relevant to the setting
keep the number of attendances to a minimum
wash hands frequently
where possible to do so, maintain social distancing
be informed about the system of controls in settings
If anyone has come inside (e.g. prospective parents after hours) I have insisted on a mask. But a speech therapist for example isn't going to wear a mask presumably.