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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_11962

  1. I’m the same as you - I’m the only one over 50 and wouldn’t want to leave them to it and there would be issues if I did do that. Goodness me, what a complicated, worrying situation it is 😬
  2. That sounds perfectly reasonable! Sometimes people have no idea (and don’t bother to find out) how much work and stress there is in trying to work out how your setting is going to survive this, then trying to work out what the guidance means in your particular situation, all the risk assessment, changing guidance, dealing with parents who may not be happy with different arrangements and a million other things. sorting out resources takes ages and needs doing so it’s good use of the time
  3. Haven’t set anything up and my draft risk assessment still says no soft furnishings or soft toys as that’s what the most recent guidance still says. I’d be surprised if that’s loosened with all the stuff around increases in infections tbh. But I’m not finalising anything And definitely not setting the room up til a few days before term starts.
  4. That makes sense! That’s a good idea; I’ll think about doing that as well.
  5. I haven’t been having them out since we reopened and the guidance seems same on that. The trouble is our children will attend across the week and ‘cross contaminate’. don’t know really - sorry!
  6. New guidance today. Which I haven’t looked at yet... https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures/coronavirus-covid-19-early-years-and-childcare-closures
  7. Does make sense - so much to wrestle with and take into account 😱
  8. Thank you very much for this - really helpful
  9. I thought I’d replied but can’t see my reply for some reason. Thank you for this; no I hadn’t seen it (had been relying on the local authority to send us these updates as they say they are, but nothing received unfortunately). I can’t see parents signing up new children without physically visiting the setting and it’s going to be difficult to re settle children who won’t have been in for the best part of six months, without their parents supporting them by coming through the door. I will probably go with what you say and have protective measures like hand sanitiser, encourage social distancing where possible etc. It seems clear that physical visits are not desirable though. “Parents and carers should not be allowed into the setting unless this is essential, and children should be dropped off and collected at the door if possible.“ “Settings should consider providing virtual tours for prospective parents and carers wishing to visit the setting for September admissions.“ It’s also still saying SALT visitors and others shouldn’t come unless ‘essential’ - what is deemed essential? I still wonder if this will change again before September. feeing stressed 😩
  10. Not at all! I feel the same - wondering whether to review the blasted risk assessment and all the other stuff or just leave it til nearer the time, but then I don’t like leaving stuff til the end of the holiday 😬
  11. Hi, do people think the guidance for early years will change again before September? Or are you working on the assumption that the latest version (2nd July I think) will stand and the only big difference is no bubbles but other measures still should remain eg avoiding children and staff attending two settings, staggered starts, minimise visitors etc? Settling new children will be a challenge! I’m thinking of trying to dissuade returning children’s parents from coming in, having a socially distanced queuing system, only having even new children’s parents where really necessary, only one parent per child, no siblings if possible etc
  12. I'm cynical about it too. Quite convenient really...
  13. same as the others have said - no PPE unless for nappies etc or if a child is symptomatic
  14. Great that you got it anyway. Will help with the autumn term I’m sure.
  15. Thanks for that. Our pay is split over 12 months as well and paid kind of as we go along so I see how that would be reasonable to put a claim in for August. I’ve only got one person I’ve furloughed but it would be really helpful to have that income. Well done for getting that grant. I didn’t bother applying - the criteria would have precluded us I think.
  16. That’s a good point. Worth thinking about that - I suppose there’s no reason why not. Like you say, we have to pay staff and yet have no income.
  17. Good grief!! We reopened this week with very few children, staggered starts, not open every day, social distancing for parents etc, as per the guidance. You'd think the parents would know better than to stand near each other as well Poor staff, as you say.
  18. I think so - I’m sure the guidance said to always use Feb fee income but alter the funded income as necessary?
  19. I am thinking of going down that path if for example we take more children, in a few weeks’ time, and need all staff in. Or another thought I had was staff ‘owing’ the hours and paying them back as overtime later in the year when (hopefully 🤞🏼) we are busier. Like annualised hours even though the contract doesn’t say that. Obviously a degree of trust would be required but it would maintain staff salary over the summer. I keep going round in circles with it to be honest.
  20. Can’t see any justification for not doing work from home or cleaning when the setting is closed to children if they are still getting paid! And yes it would cause resentment I can imagine.
  21. That’s really difficult. I’ve got one who doesn’t feel it’s safe so she won’t be sending her own children back and isn’t happy to work. So far, I’ve managed to sort it so she doesn’t need to work as we have very few children coming back (mostly due to parents not wanting to send them). I don’t think I will be able to furlough anyone either in June. I will pay her basic contracted hours but not any overtime. Even this will be a struggle. I don’t want to make anyone redundant as it seems so unfair but also I hope I will need them again in September or soon after and it’s really difficult to get staff. There’s always a risk they may find some else in the meantime. Even supermarkets are better paid
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