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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_13453

  1. Oh zig-zag, so sorry to hear this. I still feel slightly broken at my Dad passing, and the simplest thing still sets me off, so I know the road you have to travel. Be kind to yourself, and just let your feelings happen. It does get a little easier, but it doesn’t go away. He gave you precious time to get used to the idea that he wasn’t going to be there, and that will help with what you’ll be facing now. sending virtual hugs to you and lots of love. We are all here if you need us, my friend xxx
  2. No, I call that jolly rude and unnecessary.
  3. Something in the water a few years back, Louby?
  4. Proud Mum moment yesterday when my son attended his third graduation (it never gets old) this time for his Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning, which will enable him to go from Associate Professor to full Professor when a post is available at the Uni where he works. He teaches mechanical, electrical engineering and applied theoretical and methodolical engineering (I think 😳😳) it’s all a bit above me!
  5. How can it be Friday again already! ? !
  6. It’s my understanding that he needs to re-teach his senses. Spend a good few minutes smelling the same thing, like coffee or whatever and re- train his brain. It really works, but it takes time and lots of repetition over the course of a day/week/month.
  7. Absolutely, Froglet! Scones are my quick ‘go to’. Cheese ones might be nice with some pickle or chutney!
  8. Hmm. What sort of things were you thinking about? Some plain scones with Jam and cream is simple, with a dish of strawberries. Pigs in blankets are easy and always a winner in our house.
  9. What is RideLondon? Not heard about it up here in the sticks. 🤭
  10. Sunnyday, that’s what it’s all about! We have a lady in our group who suffers from depression quite badly. We managed to persuade her to come along, and she did. She can’t knit, or crochet, but for her, the achievement is getting out of the house and being with people. She didn’t speak to us for the first couple of weeks, she just listened, but she’s starting to join in now. It feels massive.
  11. Cardigan finished and handed over. I’m pleased with the fit. She loves it too and couldn’t wait to put it on. I could have saved myself a load of anxt though, picking up stitches for the button band, as she just undid the top button and pulled it on and off like a sweater! 😂😂😂😂🥰
  12. One from Sunnyday - she’ll be along to tell us all about it hopefully!
  13. Oh fabulous! Do they have red for neonatal/keep an eye on this one?
  14. Parents were the 💩 that helped my decision too. If they could just have dropped their 2 year olds off and left them with us and collected them in the summer before reception, life would have been so much simpler!
  15. Ooh I’d love one please! My sister has had schnauzers for years. Will be a perfect gift! No rush at all. Her birthday isn’t until December. Doesn’t even need to be this year. 🥰
  16. Well done! I know that don’t have been easy, but you’re right, it’s all changed dramatically from what it was. It’s a sad state of affairs really, that such a wealth of knowledge that you have is being under-utilised and now lost to the profession. Stay with us, won’t you, and let us know what your ‘next steps’ are? Xx ask the lovely Steve if he can help you to stay on. X
  17. Completely gorgeous! Are you taking orders for them?
  18. Looking forward to seeing a pic of that on the other thread! 🥰
  19. I don’t think that’s anything new. A decade ago, I had parents saying ‘oh, Mrs F will get them out of nappies, don’t worry’ 😳
  20. The crochet blanket is complete, for all intents and purposes, but I do need to do some sort of pretty border, but I’ve not decided what yet - any thoughts? Granddaughter’s cable cardigan is coming along well, back and sleeves done and almost left front complete - I’ll show a pic when it’s complete. I want to get it done before 14th when they’re coming for the weekend. oh and a quick edit to add that I’ve got a crochet cushion cover on the go too, with some cotton that I got for the big blanket, but haven’t used.
  21. Thanks everyone! Plenty to be getting on with there!
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