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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_13453

  1. It works to ‘here we go round the mulberry bush’
  2. Ooh FM. I’d forgotten the rusty car one. Please can you remind me of the rest? I’ve got the first two lines in my head ….
  3. A few years out of the loop and I’ve been asked if I can remember any transport songs by the lady who runs the toddler group. I’ve remembered the obvious wheels on the bus down at the station row, row, row your boat five little men in a flying saucer bouncing up and down on a big red tractor can you think of any more, please?
  4. I’d suggest you look at the clothes you have and decide which is the fit you like, and go by that measurement. Patterns generally say what the finished size will be, as well as the intended size.
  5. Gluten free cuppa tea is where I found the recipe. If you do it with standard (we call it ‘muggle’ flour) you won’t need the xanthan, as that’s the binding agent that works like gluten. We decided it needed slightly more sugar to be more correct on the flavour
  6. This is my Daughter’s dog Thelma (she’s Louise, so what else could her dog be called!) also on her Easter holidays! She’s absolutely berserk, so this was a rare moment of stillness! Cockerpoo.
  7. You too. Hot cross scones here for a change.
  8. Go for it! Get some yarn from Marriner - good range and not overly expensive - and just have a play. There’s no rush, if you start it soon then you don’t need to have it until autumn. I sometimes make a cheap one and see how I like it, then if I do, I get some more expensive yarn and do it properly. The cheap one is good for gardening or just bimbling at home, and the proper one is for better things.
  9. I suppose it depends what’s in them. What sort of records they contain. I’d be tempted to just get one of those printing “confidential” rollers for going over addresses or anything that was sensitive. Then it could just go in the paper bin after you’ve separated the pages from the binding. Certain records need to be kept for different lengths of time of course, so you’d need to check for that.
  10. Yes! Even my husband comments now having sat through a few series of Sewing Bee!
  11. That’s fabulous. Looking really good!
  12. Ooh that sounds exciting. What’s different about this pattern?
  13. Cardigan for granddaughter as respite from the crochet throw - which is ALMOST THERE!! So exciting.
  14. Anyone doing some knitting or crafting over the Easter break?
  15. Fantastic! I bet you were thrilled that they matched! I made a cardigan for my granddaughter in self changing yarn, telling myself I wouldn’t care if the bits were very random, however, when it was ready to sew up, I realised that the sleeves, the back and one front matched really well, but the other front didn’t! I unravelled what was left of the ball until I found the start of the repeat that matched the other front, and managed to make another left front, so it all looked coherent!
  16. Well k hope there are pictures of those on the Our Own Makes thread, or whatever it was called. I shall go for a hunt!
  17. I was wondering about that when I saw it on the news last night. Not good.
  18. Nice soak in the bath and fresh PJs
  19. I worked out on spreadsheets how many hours they worked across the year, how many Tuesday afternoons etc and continued that across their holiday entitlement weeks. Made a total of how many hours that equated to and divided it by 12, that gave them the same salary across the year and made it easier for me to sort out tax etc. The sheet was given to staff for them to check my working out and they signed it and gave me a copy back. They knew that if they took unpaid leave for any reason, then those hours would be deducted from the numbers going forward, so their total monthly would be slightly reduced, rather than take a hit in one month - they could choose that option though, if they preferred that.
  20. Yes! I’ve had them too, but also had the ones that Mum said could read but were in fact memorising text from over-reading the same book at home until they were word perfect. I found that photocopying the text without the illustrations and giving them randomly, out of sequence sorted the reader from the memoriser. There was that one child once that’s just come to my memory who was watching me write up an observation report who remarked, looking at my writing “Aiden struggled to sort the shapes into the sorter, we need to work on this….. I can do that with him if you like, Mrs F..”. I was amazed. She was 4. She went through her school life determined to be a teacher.
  21. I did this too, three years on the trot when our September starting figures were too low to pay the two of us. In the early days, there was just my deputy and I, and September intake in our small village could be just 3 children. It’s so sad that it’s still happening in this day and age. 😳😢
  22. Oh that’s fabulous news! My phone didn’t remind me! So sorry! Huge congratulations to you both, we are a decade behind you, as you know, but, like you, I’m just so, so pleased to have made this milestone, and I hope and pray that Zebedee is still with us to enjoy our 50th! I hope your evening is fantastic and you’re able to feel that things are ‘normal’ for a few hours xxxxx
  23. That’s brilliant news! They may have had it without symptoms of course. I understand that that’s possible. on another note - has anyone found out what the leaves and rocket badges are with our pictures?
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