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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_13453

  1. Oh my goodness! This completely flew beneath my radar. Has anyone posted it to Twit/face?
  2. Thank you all so much! Birthday was slightly delayed by appointments for Zebedee, but cards are up and cake is consumed. We were able to get outside in the sunshine and our daughter came for a BLT with us. Lovely few days.
  3. Bizarrely, I also feel I need to see them!
  4. As with every Ofsted, I found it good to read recent reports to find out what the current focus seems to be - we all know that they have a ‘thing’ each time and it’s good to be aware of what that is, up front. The perennial is safeguarding - are all your forms in? Your Ey2’s etc. Are you tracking progress well, and can you prove it? Is everyone singing from the same excellent hymn sheet? Is there obvious drive and enthusiasm for the job? That sort of thing really. I assume things haven’t changed that much since I was in harness.
  5. Congratulations! One of the ‘lasts’ you’ll enjoy this coming term!
  6. I agree. The header banner is a bit ‘meh’. As I use an iPad in portrait, I don’t have that side bit, so that’s not a problem for me. I can’t see it at all unless I switch to landscape - then the keyboard takes up half the screen!
  7. Excellent news! You have a good weekend too! Xx
  8. I can thoroughly recommend it! I have to say though, it’s taken years to be able to walk away from the children’s books section in the book shop! And I STILL look at children’s handicraft things - well, for my granddaughter, obviously. 😆🤭
  9. It’s a lovely book! All about how one owl calls ‘Twit’ and another replies ‘twoo’ It seems that a lot of folk think that tawny owls call ‘twit-twoo’ when actually that’s two owls, one responding to another.
  10. Hello Jenny As a retired Preschool Manager, I can say that I’ve tried many, many ways of planning over the 25years. I found it very variable, and what worked with one group of children didn’t always work with another. I don’t think there’s any hard and fast rule, as long as there’s some evidence of planning, and you can justify and explain your methods properly. Hours can be spent planning, only to find that it’s not in the direction that the children want to go at all! My children had individual plans, based on what I considered were their next steps in learning, and as long as I could tie that into whatever direction we ended up going, and show good progression, then I didn’t worry too much about it. Of course, I’ve been retired for 6 years now, and things will have moved on. Hopefully though, children’s progression has stayed the same.
  11. Oh yes! There it is! Keyboard is enormous this way!!!
  12. Aha! I have mine in portrait! That’s perhaps it. I’ll whizz it round and have a look.
  13. Not showing on my iPad. I know they were doing something big on 8th as there was a warning banner at the top of the page.
  14. Similarly I have a few as well, including a couple which belong to my daughter, left here whilst she sorted out her own craft room, then found herself enjoying papercraft more than sewing. I have my own and my Mum’s, my very first handle turned Singer and another one as well, which I can’t remember how I’ve come to store with mine ......... whoever it belongs to - maybe little Sis, will let me know in due course I expect.
  15. It’s not possible to have ‘too much’! 😳😳🤪
  16. Oh how fantastic! I love that! 😍🥰
  17. I can remember having a conversation with a new member of staff at around this time of year. “How am I going to cope?” She cried, “saying goodby to all these children in summertime. I don’t know how you do it, year after year, I think it’s going to break my heart!” Me ‘Oh, come July, you’ll be pleased to say goodbye to most of them, believe me!’ July comes round, and she admits I was right! The attitude of the parents really rubs off on the children. They just seem to view that last term as marking time until the real stuff begins! So belittling to everything we’ve done. 😡
  18. My arm was rubbish sore for a week! It’s only just last night that I could lie on that side - so think about what side you lie on peeps!
  19. Oh! Happy, happy birthday! I hope there’s cake! 🥂
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