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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_13453

  1. Ah. We love the walk from Goathland to Grosmont, so we get the train to Goathland, do the walk then get the train back. Our white doglet usually needs a good bath after that! 😂
  2. We have battery bins in Lidl and the Co-op and clothing bins in the major car parks. Electrical is the trickier one really.
  3. Having waste visible in the boxes, rather than all in a bin makes bin day walks into town interesting. “Look how many bottles of wine they’ve got through in a fortnight!’ ‘Ooh they’ve not washed out their tins and jars, yuk!’ Makes me become very judgemental 😂😂😳🤔
  4. Ours is brown for garden and green for general. Black box for glass, green box for tin and plastic and blue bag for paper and card.
  5. We had polo shirts for a long time, then changed into tunics with back pleats. We felt a little like hairdressers for a while, but got some funky fabrics and they were great.
  6. He’s a rail enthusiast. He and my husband also volunteer on the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, although Mr Dentist has his fingers insured, so sticks to the less ‘dangerous’ repairs in the carriage and wagon repairs workshop!
  7. Yes, she’s a tooth fairy, created by one of his patients. She’s holding a bag of teeth, but they’re just broken dentures, not actual teeth. They were jolly uncomfortable during that really hot week, so he is pleased it’s cooler now. They are only seeing emergencies, three or four patients a day. He sends this pic to patients who have a smart phone who are coming in, so they don’t ‘freak out’ when they come in. Some of the PPE had to come from a dental friend in Australia as he couldn’t get any here! He used a company called ‘send my bag.com‘ that sends suitcases full of stuff all over the world really reasonably and fast, thank goodness.
  8. My brother in law is a dentist and this is the PPE he and his nurses have to wear when they are doing anything that creates aerosol. Then the room has to be left for an hour and then cleaned completely before the next patient. The filtration masks have had to be bought along with the equipment to test the seal is correct. He needs a new coverall, hat, overshoes, gloves and ordinary mask and visor for every patient. My sister and I have made their hats, just to try and save some expense.
  9. And what my children used to call ‘teeny-weelies’. (Loose tea leaves)
  10. Yes, that’s for each bin. We have two. In Cumbria we also had two, but there was no additional charge.
  11. Food waste? 🤔 not that we really have any, but it would go in the household waste, unless it was compostable.
  12. We can have as many green garden bins as we like. We pay £38 a year for ten months of collections, removed fortnightly. The bins have a tag attached by a cable clip on the handle. The tag is like a Visa card, type of thing, and a different colour each year, so it’s obvious who has paid. We have a blue string bag for paper, green box for glass and a black box for plastic and tins. This is also fortnightly on the same week as garden collection. The other week is general house bins.
  13. I think the VRQ is more structured than an NVQ, which is largely competency, assessment based. It depends what you’re looking for in a candidate, at the end of the day. I think, as an employer, a VRQ qualification looks better, and proves knowledge, perhaps, whereas an NVQ shows what they can actually ‘do’, and have been assessed as doing. It’s a tricky one. City and Guilds do both, I think, and she may be better placed giving them a ring and talking through her options.
  14. I think that’s an unhelpful post really. We’ve read on Sunnyday’s posts about her need for complete shielding with Mr S’s fragile health state. If she’s been feeling a bit low this week, it may in all possibility have nothing to do with needing to be back ‘in harness’. I’m sure she is already aware that, come September, things may not have altered drastically, and is already making contingency plans if that turns out to be the case. We know that this virus isn’t going anywhere for a good while yet, and we all have to create our own strategies and individual ways to move forward. There’s no ‘one size fits all’, as the schools are finding out, and certainly a ‘gung-ho‘ attitude is not appropriate everywhere. If it’s worked for you, then great, but it’s not going to work for most settings, I wouldn’t have thought. To be honest, I was slightly horrified reading your post.
  15. Yes, a bare calendar does seem very strange. I’ve written the days the different bins are emptied on ours, just to fill it up a bit! sorry to hear you’ve felt low though, this weather isn’t helping, I don’t think. I think you’re wise staying off though, the consequences are way too great. So, continue to smile and cheer from the sidelines, you’ll be back in harness soon enough! hugs to you my bouncy friend xxx
  16. Yes. I took early retirement in 2015 when my husband reached 65 and retired. We wanted to come back to Yorkshire where I was born and almost all the family still live, so we could be with them all, especially Mum as she gets increasingly more frail. It’s of great sadness that we couldn’t be here for my Dad. The days of exams and essays are a mere memory now. A lot of you have had a taste of what retirement is like, and are now wondering, as is so often heard, ‘how did I find time to work?’
  17. Scarborough had a couple of spikes after tourists visited en masse, fairly early on - that first weekend when we were told you could go somewhere in your car for exercise - on the beach like stupid sardines. Toilets and shops were closed still. What a pigsty they left, defecating and urinating behind bins etc, it was appalling. A lot of those folk were ‘mature’ adults. The youths seemed to head for the big waterfalls inland for tombstoning, causing the emergency services to be stretched even further.
  18. And thank goodness for that! We all know that monoculture is never a good idea! i need more red and yellow in my garden this year too! 🤔
  19. There’s Child D who listens and understands the reason as well. The one who has learned that there could be consequences to actions. (We don’t touch that because it’s hot) the one that has listened to the explanation of why something is a bad idea, and accepts that.
  20. When I was a child, there was a lady who lived over the road who had a King Charles spaniel called Chauncey. She used a stocking top over his head when she walked him, tho top band of a stocking - silk probably- over his head to hold his ears. Obviously the rest of the stocking was cut off, but he did look comical.
  21. Pleased to report that she is hopefully returning home today. The meningioma in her brain hasn’t grown since January, but the CT scan did show that she’s had a stroke since then, but not recently. It’s in the area of her brain that controls vision, but her vision isn’t impaired at all, which has them stumped. Her muddled state has calmed and she can now text again, and has been doing. Things are looking up again. Fingers and toes crossed I can get her back to her beloved sewing machine, where she’s been making masks for everyone in the apartment block!
  22. My Mum has just been rushed in tonight. ...
  23. It certainly does bring it close to home! My son, daughter in law and granddaughter have had the virus. Been tested and quarantined. Now feeling heaps better but still tiring easily.
  24. Hasn’t it always been this way, just possibly not so intensely magnified? In my last September I struggled to find sessions for a little boy to fit round his Mum, then a week before the term started she contacted me to ask if he could have the same sessions as his cousin, and her sister would bring him. Okay, with some shuffling and asking another parent to swap (who was luckily very flexible) I managed that, only to be told the day before the term started that she hadn’t actually asked her sister and it wasn’t convenient! Could she go back to the other sessions? Er, no. I’ve filled them now. I wasn’t about to ask helpful Mum to swap again! She continued swapping and changing his sessions for the first few weeks before pulling him entirely, claiming he wasn’t settling! She asked for a place for him in the summer term ‘so he could play with some friends before they start school’ 😡
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