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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_13453

  1. That reminds me of our C stall a few years ago. We had cut out all the bits to make C cards But just ran out of time to actually make them, so we stuffed the cards and their accompanying bits into clear plastic card covers and they sold like hot cakes! Lesson for the following year!
  2. That’s a good point. How would you normally do it? Do you pay staff up until the end of August, and then start your salary year in September? I would assume that you’d have to do the same as always.
  3. Temperature is quite a personal thing. I had convulsions and was hospitalised twice as an infant, because my temperature had shot up to 38. Now that’s not very high, and you can see why it was dismissed, but my normal temp was 34, so a rapid rise of 4 degrees was a big jump. It took a while for them to recognise that. So a child presenting with a temp of 37 might seem perfectly normal, but it might not be normal for them. It’s a tricky one! Interestingly, my temp seems to have risen over the years, especially since pregnancy, and is now around 36.
  4. So none of your existing children want to come back at the moment?
  5. I think people will be wanting normality by then. Opening up the shops and other amenities will let people see how safe or unsafe the world around them is, and I’d like to think that by September, we will all have adjusted to different ways of ‘being’. Keeping ourselves safe in a balanced way. For you, with Mr S, things might still be shielded of course, and those folk in similar positions may still need to keep themselves home and safe.
  6. Would it be possible to offer a trial for a week to see how it goes? Would that even be allowed? It is really unfair that your committee are putting you through this. Just another reason why committees make me angry!
  7. It might turn out to be an interesting experiment into how little is actually needed.
  8. I’ve not heard any update, I’m afraid. Really worrying though.
  9. Yes I think you need to know if it’s going to be viable, surely?
  10. I’ll be thinking about you all tomorrow. I hope the weather continues fine and you’re able to be outside in the fresh air as much as you can, and that everything goes swimmingly well. Love to you all.
  11. Our local infant school has been trashed apparently!! That just doesn’t happen round here, and you’ve got to wonder if it’s so children can’t go back!
  12. My concern is that if staff want/need testing, that by the time the results come back, it will have been a waste of time. A bit like that lovely check we all have to have that’s really only as good as the day it’s completed!
  13. I am so, so thrilled that he’s getting this opportunity! Let’s just hope he passes all the fitness requirements and things go quickly and smoothly, so he has it done before the onset of winter! Brilliant news. Tell him I’m thrilled for him! 🤗🤗
  14. They’ve not taken any of this into consideration. Maybe ask your MP? Stir the pot a bit. I’m sure they’re clueless as are the majority of the population who aren’t in the private early years sector!
  15. Ooh! Perhaps that’s it then! The ‘get out of jail free card’ Children have to be around 5 to go back! 🤔😳
  16. As a retired manager of a committee run setting, for those of you who have committee pressing for opening, it might be worth reminding them that in the eyes of the law they are personally liable if anything goes wrong. Especially in light of the insurance debacle at the moment. They might change their tune then!
  17. And ours a fortnightly genereral waste on Thursday, with the following Thursday for the recyclables then the garden bin in the Friday! So many blooming bins and boxes and bags!!
  18. This is the one I'm using - you don't even need a sewing machine, but you will need to do a little hand stitching and ironing. They look really neat and there's a pocket for a filter to go in. Coffee filter, kitchen roll or j cloth are suggested as being fine for that extra layer. Edit to add that this is just a face mask though. This with some good goggles maybe?
  19. I've sent that poem to my MP. I hope you all have as well as per someone's suggestion!
  20. Copied from a Facebook friend Feel free to share. It's not mine. I copied and pasted. An invitation to the Government from EYFS teachers. Dear Boris, Gavin, Chris and Matt. Thanks for your great advice. Just come and spend a day with us and then you might think twice. Please wash your hands on entry. Sit on a carpet tile. Now shush! Here come the children. Please greet them with a smile. Hello and welcome back, my loves. You’ll see some things have changed. Yes, Ben! Our room looks different. We’ve had to rearrange The desks, the toys, the books and games, the paints and pencil pots.. No, Boris! Sit back down again and don’t move off that spot. Now listen carefully, my loves. I’m going to try and seat us In a safe and special place, with space between: two metres. But, Miss! I never sit just here. I always sit by Iris! I know that, Sam, but now you can’t. Just blame Coronavirus. Help, Miss! My head is itching! Can you see if I’ve got bugs? Yes, Lizzie. Please, oh please, stand still. Where are my plastic gloves? No, Sam. Please put that ipad down. It’s not been cleaned with dettol. And don’t touch doorknobs, spades or bikes. The virus lives on metal. Miss! Can I have the dressing-up? I’m playing Spiderman! No, Joe, you can’t. I’m sorry, but all soft toys have been banned. Please, Thomas, can you wipe your nose? We need to stay alert. Oh, no. Please use a tissue, love! Don’t wipe it on my skirt. Miss, look! I’m on a pirate ship! I’m climbing, out of reach. No, Josh! You’re not allowed on there. It can’t be cleaned with bleach. Miss! Where’s the box of Lego ‘coz I want to build a farm? I’m sorry, John, but that’s gone too as small toys cause great harm. They can’t be cleaned enough you see and will be full of germs. Yes, John! You’re right! I know I said that when you play, you learn. Miss! Harry’ s spitting water out, all over my lunch tray! Oh! Can you get a fresh one and a disinfectant spray? Miss! I can’t find the playdough and I want to make some worms. Sorry, Jack. It’s in the bin. It’s full of nasty germs. No, Freddie! Give that bottle back as it belongs to Claire. What? Yes, I know she’s being kind. Now’s not the time to share. Yes! I know that sharing’s good. It’s contradictory.. Ben! Please stop hugging Eve like that. Miss! Joseph’s done a wee. Sarah, please don’t chew that pen, as Ellie sucked it too. Miss! Can you come and help me? I just did a huge great poo! Ok! Stand in your safe space and I’ll don my PPE. And Sylvie, please don’t chew that book. You’ll be the death of me. No, our school trip’s cancelled and our play and disco too. And Sophie, Sam and Mary-Beth, will you stop swapping shoes? Miss! Come and see the castles that I’m building in the sand! Oh sorry, Eve! You can’t play there. It’s germy, so it’s banned. What? Chloe’s slipped and cut her knee? Oh yes! There’s lots of blood. Have we got a plastic apron and another pair of gloves? Miss, I’m scared coz my Mum said, to Nan and Auntie Joyce, That’s school’s not safe? She’s got to work. She hasn’t got a choice. And now I’m here. It’s not the same. Just not what I remember. And Daddy said it’s dangerous and to stay home ‘til September. I just don’t understand it and my head is in a muddle. I know you said two metres but please, can I have a cuddle? Oh Children! Please stop crying now. What don’t you understand? Just stay alert, six foot apart and wash your flipping hands! So Boris, Gavin, Chris and Matt, hope you’ve enjoyed your stay? There’s nothing to it, is there? It’s just child’s play.
  21. I think maybe go on the basis of not opening, you'll still have a month before you give first wage anyway.
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