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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_13453

  1. Well I was told feet, that’s why I do feet 🤣🤭. Although I do massage into jumpy legs sometimes and it settles them down too. I intend to use it next time I get a leg cramp to see if it has any effect on that as well.
  2. Anyone read this? https://apple.news/AOQfI3upXRceRcTpw3wcMDA. Hopefully that’ll take you to an article about the budget’s childcare signalling a rapid decline in nurseries as they’ll become financially crippled
  3. I slip on a pair of old bed socks to keep my feet cosy and help it soak in. Careful in the shower the next morning though, your feet will be slippery! I stand on an old towel just in case!
  4. I hope it works for you too! Really worth spending time massaging it in - or ask Mr S to do it for you! 🤭
  5. I’m famous in the family for insomnia. I can lie awake till 5am absolutely not sleepy at all! If I sleep well one night, then I don’t for two or three following. Too many tabs open! anyway, I tried this feather and down cream at night. You rub it into the soles of your feet - quite a blob on your finger - for two minutes each foot. I put bed socks on then to keep the sheets clean. It smells lovely! It adds magnesium which helps you sleep, and also helps my husband’s restless legs! It’s not expensive, I got mine on Amazon. My sister gave some to a friend whose autistic daughter has problem sleeping and it worked for her too!
  6. Back in the dim and distant past, pink was for boys and blue for girls, we are told 🤷‍♀️
  7. Errrrr. Mini cheese scones with Boursin and a slice of tomato? Blinis with smoked salmon? Crusty bread or crackers with some pâte or hummus to apply? Crudités with hummus or other dips? Platter of meats and cheeses, grapes? obviously some sort of cake, cheesecake, - trifles seem to be in fashion. If you’re doing quiche, is it a knife and fork event or pick up nibbles? Cold or hot?
  8. That sounds horribly familiar! I can remember a new staff member saying to me in the autumn term that she’d have trouble saying goodbye to the children in the summer term and asking how I coped every year - my reply? Believe me, come April you’ll be counting down the weeks to July 🤣🤣🤣
  9. I used to love it - we took all our quilts in (staff) and we’d make ‘nests’ and just read books all day! Children would pick their favourite books and we’d really ramp up the silly voices and acting out. But you’re right, it all started to change and become something away from the essence of books.
  10. It’s a really tricky one, because there’s a fine line between this behaviour and actually telling an adult something important. Could you throw it open to the class each time it happens, to see what the consensus of opinion is? ‘Do you think that Shonagh needed to interrupt us all to say that? Is it important?’ Sort of teaching them ‘don’t sweat the small stuff’. Or would that be considered child humiliating these days?
  11. Ooh. Not looked at the makes one for ages (dashes off)
  12. Yep. That sounds the sensible option to me. If you’ve got established 3s then they get first dibs on places, especially if it’s financially sensible for staffing numbers!
  13. Hi, ZZ. Don’t know if it helps but I lost a couple of stone last year by not eating starchy carbs after 3pm ish. So I can have sandwich and pizza etc for lunch, but then just light for tea, fruit, yoghurt, soup etc. It really worked for me and I found I wasn’t craving carbs nearly as much either. I’m still enjoying chocolate and cakes etc. My friend has lost a similar amount by having just one meal a day, at 3.30ish, and drinking black coffee/ tea otherwise. I do find that if I have a biscuit or something at teatime, then I want more and more, so it definitely does something. I’ve kept the weight off, apart from a small blip over Christmas, now reconciled, which I never managed before. I tried the fasting diet, and that did help initially, but as soon as I started eating again on those days, it piled back on. I couldn’t imagine keeping on for the rest of my life not eating for two days a week.
  14. That sounds more helpful, doesn’t it! At least you know that you’re meant to be exercising it - it’s when you don’t know whether to do that or rest it, that things get complicated. X
  15. Oh my! It’s all go at your place!! I hope your routine helps your poor knee and you’re able to stick to it properly! Mr S! At long last! Hopefully nothing will get in the way of that happening this time! Fingers and toes crossed - 8 weeks takes into hopefully better weather when Zebedee will be starting his next load of chemo rounds. Put your feet up, everyone, ‘tis Friday!
  16. Ours enjoyed ‘Bear Stays Up’ as well.
  17. A little bit of winter? Was it that one?
  18. Wishing a good and healthy 2023 to you all. Onwards and upwards! xxxx
  19. My granddaughter enjoyed decorating a gingerbread man today! She learned about primary and secondary colours at the same time. (Every day is a learning day) 🤣🤣🤣🤭
  20. It’s the time of year for feeling blue. Have you considered getting a Sad Lamp or using a daylight bulb? I know you’ve got that cold hanging about, but the extra lift the light gives really is there! I got one many moons ago and it completely lifted my winter months! I’ve not needed it since I retired as it’s easier to get outside at random times to get sunlight vitamins. It’s a tough time of year - and all the additional stresses really don’t help!! Sending gentle hugs your way xx
  21. From taps only - speaking as someone who returned to Cumbria one evening to find it coming out of the striplights and power sockets 😳😬 I hope you’ve all had a thoroughly enjoyable few days, and now, buoyed up with Pringles and Ferraro rocher are ready to enter 2023. I wonder what this next year will bring us?
  22. Have there been some local burst pipes with the cold weather? They should let you know really. Bad form!
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