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Posts posted by AnonyMouse_4544

  1. Hi Little Angel


    We usually do a walk around school and visit different members of staff. The Head's office, the school secretary, the dinner ladies, caretaker etc then the children draw and paint pictures of people who help us in school with a brief caption of what each person does. i particularly liked one small boys caption for a picture of the Head.......... Mr. H plays on the computer all day!


    We write our own school rules and discuss why these are a good idea.


    Make plans and 3D models of the school.


    Make a large display of the people in our class.


    Look for shapes in and outside of school.


    Will look for more ideas but Im sure you will get loads of help from this site.

  2. Thanks Peggy - printed off and ready to read.  I really do wonder what other people do when they are trying to source information.  There is so much really useful information but it just comes from all over the place and it is often easy to miss things like this unless you put an alert on.  So thanks for this - can file it (after I have read it) away straight away in my Ofsted file - now that I have done some, please note, some of my filing.  Nikki






    Expecting OFSTED next term ARGH!

  3. Anybody got any good stories with hedgehogs in? Also looking for cute hedgehog pictures in colour in. Why? Well when we go back and open as a foundation unit all key workers have a group related to characters in Percy the Park Keeper. My group is hedgehogs also squirrels, moles, badgers and foxes. Don`t know what the children will think but the staff are rather excited!!! Thought it was a change from colour groups and will probaly add a bit of humour when we start calling for our groups. Thanks.




    Hi Gwen


    Ive used animal names for groups in the past and the children love it.


    This post also reminded me of a funny story. The nursery children in our unit had used clay and matchsticks to make model hedgehogs and my reception children were admiring their work, when one little boy asked 'Miss why have the nursery made Easter Hedgehogs?' He had a point it was October! :o

  4. There is a clip on Teachers TV about routines in early years settings where they mention an 'anticipation box' or basket.  My understanding is that something is hidden in the box each morning (either by teacher or pupil) and the class have to wait until the end of the day to find out what it is.  Apparently they love this.  It could be something a child has brought in from home to show the class, a story for the end of the day, an interesting oject of some kind etc. 


    I really like this idea (especially having a basket on a pulley that can be lowered down!) and can imagine how it could be linked in with a topic (e.g. objects associated with different cultural festivals), well with anything really, but wondered if anyone has actually tried this? How might it work in practice? Would you really do it every day, just at the end of the week or perhaps at random?


    I think I'm going to try it out as I reckon I need all the tactics I can get to keep the little rascals on their toes (NQT) plus it could provide a great way in to all kinds of topics,  lots of speaking and listening...what does anybody else think?  :o





    Sounds a great idea.

  5. 36527[/snapback]



    Great idea Jane


    We also take digital photo's on children's first day and use small copies to mark coat hooks and individual trays. (parents love a picture of their child's first day in school so send a copy home)


    We also start a skills book and ask the children to draw a picture of themselves and write their name............ it's really interesting to look back at the end of the year to see progress.


    We will also be painting self portraits which will go on a display entitled our class.

  6. As an NQT teaching reception I am working on my planning for September.  I have decided upon my topics for the year but am wondering how I can complete the long term plan to show equal coverage of elgs when i'm not sure what i will be doing in each of the topics.  Does this make sense?  The school are due for an Ofsted inspection.




    Two good sites might be a help.






  7. :o

    Hi, can anyone help me? I've been teaching for 10 years and have had a mixed KS1 class for the last 5 but this year is different! I am taking early entry children with my reception and year 1 children and I 'm really concerned about the planning for play. What does a daily plan look like? How is the day organised?

    Anne Br





    Have you seen the NNS mixed age numeracy plans? Dont know if the NLS have produced something similar but I found this useful when I had a mixed class.



  8. :o

    Hi, can anyone help me? I've been teaching for 10 years and have had a mixed KS1 class for the last 5 but this year is different! I am taking early entry children with my reception and year 1 children and I 'm really concerned about the planning for play. What does a daily plan look like? How is the day organised?

    Anne Br



    Have you seen the NNS mixed age numeracy plans? Dont know if the NLS have produced something similar but I found this useful when I had a mixed class.



  9. Just finishing off nursery reports for children going onto school, does anyone actually find these useful? Do they ever make it into the teachers hands? Or do they stay in some file at the back of the office......always wondered.



    As a reception teacher I am always grateful for any information from a child's previous setting. Usually I get the chance to read these over the summer holidays. Its much more difficult when I get new children with no infomation and have to start totally from scratch to assess their needs.

    So thank you on behalf of all reception teacher's. We appreciate your efforts.

  10. Hello there,


    I have just been reading about how to keep evidence and thought that i would share this with you - I must however add that it was not my idea initially I was told about this by a teacher who has been asked by our LEA to lead moderating settings and share her good practice.


    She has a file for each of the 6 areas - inside this file is a poly pocket for each of the statements and in each of these poly pockets she puts an example of a benchmark for this point - what a child who is achieving this point will be expected to show. 


    I have started to collect evidence of this folder and am finding it quite manageable - it is giving me more of a focus of what i am looking for.


    Alongside this i am also keeping a file with a poly pocket for each child to put in good example - post it note scribbles etc.


    It took alongtime to write out all the statements but i have them on file if anyone would like them let me know and i'll see about putting them on here?






    Thanks Sarah


    This corresponds with the advice I was given by the LEA when my Foundation Stage Profiles were moderated last year.

    I was told there was no need to keep lots of evidence and 'I was doing far too much!' (HORROR)

    The advisor told me to keep a couple of examples in the folder for each statement to show I know what I'm looking for but beyond this there was no need for evidence for each child and that it is down to the teacher's judgement that a child meets the criteria for each statement.

    Once the files are prepared its easy to slip in evidence and is much simpler than how i was working previously.

  11. Hi Marion,


    There seems to be a problem with the download.  Could you kindly let us know with which program can we open it?


    Thanks in advance  :) !




    Sorry Smiley


    Not sure what I did wrong but I've editted it and it seems to be working ok now..............I hope!

    Its in MS Word form so should be ok. The shaded areas are those that correspond directly to FSP. There is also whole class sheets on the end if needed.

  12. Hi there,

    I am busy planning the beginning of a new reception term for Sept and need some help with on entry assessments. I'm supporting an NQT and would like some input on on entry asessments. Does anyone have some kind of framework or format for assessments during induction (we only have 1 week half days). I would really like something that links to the Profile but with steps prior to point 1. I know this is cheeky, last year I just used the profile and entered the results but my NQT has no understanding of the profile and I feel I need to provide a more clear and precise assessment format for her. Many Thanks Emma




    Hi Emma hope Ive managed to attach the Durham Scheme for Foundation Stage Assessment. It covers all the Foundation Stage from on entry to nursery to leaving Reception and is directly transferable to Foundation Stage Profiles.

  13. Hi there,

    I am busy planning the beginning of a new reception term for Sept and need some help with on entry assessments. I'm supporting an NQT and would like some input on on entry asessments. Does anyone have some kind of framework or format for assessments during induction (we only have 1 week half days). I would really like something that links to the Profile but with steps prior to point 1. I know this is cheeky, last year I just used the profile and entered the results but my NQT has no understanding of the profile and I feel I need to provide a more clear and precise assessment format for her. Many Thanks Emma




    Hi Emma hope Ive managed to attach the Durham Scheme for Foundation Stage Assessment. It covers all the Foundation Stage from on entry to nursery to leaving Reception and is directly transferable to Foundation Stage Profiles.

  14. Can anyone suggest any pieces of music that the children could listen to, that could be described as happy or sad music? We shall be talking about emotions in our topic on "Ourselves".






    Try the Music for different moods page from Excellence and Enjoyment: Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning. It gives a great list for a variety of feelings plus some good resources for PSED.



  15. Hi

    Just wanted to know if anyone else teaches cursive handwriting in Recption.  I will be starting in September.  They will join up their names and all other letters will be written ready to join. 

    Any advice, stories, etc would be a great help.

    Thanks Becky




    We have used a cursive style of writing for the past 10 years, this begins in Nursery and we gradually introduce joined up writing over the reception year. Most children are really eager to do 'proper' writing! Only ones who have any problems are those who have been taught ball and stick style at home.

  16. I am attending a meeting at a local nursery school  to discuss the best way forward for a September starter in Reception. The child in question was a premature birth and has a number of difficulties including hearing problems, visual problems, general immaturity etc. She will be 4 at the end of August.

    Parents want entry to school to be deferred until September 2006. Has anyone come across this situation before?


    Comments gratefully received!


  17. hi,

    does anyone know any stories about camping? ive racked my brains and cant think of any. we have a camping roleplay set up right now and as most of the children have never been camping i thought some stories might help them understand a bit of what its like.





    There's a Kipper book cant quite remember the title think its kipper's monster where he goes camping

  18. We have decided that our topic next half term will be on the ancient egyptians.  This is because a few children have expressed an interest and others have been interested in their interest, also I think it is an exciting topic with a lot of possibilities.....


    Need lots of ideas to fill 7 weeks though!!


    Any ideas will be much appreciated.




    How about wall paintings and hieroglyphics maybe work out how to write their names? egyptian necklaces ect and loads of shape stuff

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