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Posts posted by Steve

  1. Hi Karen -

    It's still relatively high on our to-do list - however, we can't give you time scales as we're working on a pretty big extension to Tapestry's functionality at the moment, that has the top slot in terms of priorities.

    Unless you've set your permissions differently though, your staff can access the care diary - the screens work very well on a tablet browser?


  2. Mine isn't that healthy sadly. I start from my bedroom and begin a long walk down a corridor, turn right into the study, and that's it. Takes around 30 seconds depending on my state of mind. On the plus side I've never yet encountered substantial rush hour traffic. :)


    • Like 3
    • Haha 7
  3. Hi Ian -

    Rebecca will be able to give you chapter and verse on this tomorrow morning, but we all here at the FSF are DBS checked (mainly for Tapestry purposes) and if you don't want it to become outdated you pay for an annual update (which costs less than the initial one I believe). This is managed by one authorised person (in our case Rebecca - I guess in the case of your setting it would be you as the manager.

    Hope that's all correct, but as I say, Rebecca will pop in in the morning and give you the indisputable truth! :)

  4. Hi -

    I'll just throw my threepennorth in, but it's a personal view rather than a professional one:

    Obviously only you can really know if you would like her to stay or not, and it should boil down to your own preference, as you have to keep your ship afloat. But if you would rather she stayed I think it would be a good opportunity to make it a positive experience. Rather than a "oh all right then, blimey you've caused no end of trouble!" (and I'm not suggesting that you'd put it this way :) ) you could phrase it as a kind of "you know we'd dearly love you to stay, you're a really welcome member of the team". But accompany it with a few questions about why they want to stay, and whether it's just a temporary decision while they catch their breath, or whether they really want to commit themselves back into the job - because obviously you've gone to a lot of trouble to begin a recruitment process and you don't want to have to start all over again in a few months time.

    If that goes well and she finds herself back in a familiar and safe environment, you could have her as a strong employee for some time to come.

    The other way to look at it, which I'm sure you're also considering, is that she has 'crossed the rubicon' and now she has thought of a departure once she may not be able to get it out of her head. That doesn't sound likely, given her personal troubles, but you'll need to feel comfortable about that.

    Not sure that helps a lot - good luck! :)

    • Like 1
  5. If you go to the front page and refresh your cache (CTRL F5 if you're on a Windows PC), you should see something. As we switched in the new site recently we couldn't use the old decs and haven't had time to do more with the new site. Soz! :)


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  6. Hi Sparks99, and welcome to the Forum!

    We used to have some old 'Topic Support' articles but didn't copy them over to the new shiny site as they were pretty outdated - the old six areas of learning were used etc. But the 'The Sea' one has a few ideas, and the 'Transport' one might spark a few more for you.

    I'll leave it for others to add more up to date stuff :)

  7. Hi Chrissie -

    Do you mean you used to get taken to the tapestry.info page and then log in from there? If so, you're quite right - there's now an extra step involved, as we decided to include an extra Tapestry information page on eyfs.info. So now, if you click the Tapestry sign at the top right of the home page, you will be taken to an initial page on eyfs.info, and from there you need to scroll down until you see a button called 'Visit Tapestry.info'. From there you'll be able to log into Tapestry.

    Thanks for bringing this up though. I'll think about adding a button to that first page enabling you to log into Tapestry directly from there.

    If I've misunderstood you please do get back to me. :)

    PS - By the way, you do know you can always log directly into Tapestry like this don't you? https://tapestryjournal.com


  8. Hi rappers -


    Hmm. I'd be interested in seeing what evidence your governors have used to reach this decision. The subject has rumbled on over many years, but as far as I know there is no accepted/uncontroversial evidence that wifi and other similar forms of radiation pose a health risk. Perhaps they are using the precautionary principle, which is simply to exclude certain things on the basis that there is no proof they don't pose a risk?

    There is a wealth of material on the subject and (as seems ubiquitous these days) opinions and beliefs are ferociously attacked and defended, so I don't really want to get into a prolonged debate about it - googling "does wifi pose a health risk" will get you into those debates very quickly, although I'd advise against reading contributions below the byline too much, as they tend to get abusive and silly very quickly.

    Here's a contribution from Cancer Research UK, which is at least moderate in tone. So I'll leave it to readers to decide which side of the fence you're on.

    With regard to Tapestry, we hope to soon have a full offline version of the app (for apple devices only initially) for uploading observations, so if you have any iOS tablets that would enable you to record your observations in airplane mode (ie no wifi while in contact with the children). Ethernet cabled laptops are obviously fine but restrict your mobility as you say. If your school isn't banning tablets physically then perhaps you could continue to use them for recording observations, although you'd still need non-contact time for editing them properly and carrying out other admin/management activities.

    Hope this helps - and we'd also be upset if you were unable to continue using Tapestry! :1b

    • Like 2
  9. Hi all -

    Just to bathe in some reflected glory, my cousin Lucie won the competition to represent the UK in the Eurovision song contest last night. I've probably bored lots of people mentioning her before (see above, and also here during her X Factor days) and have to confess it was my first time ever watching anything to do with Eurovision, but for anyone who watched, didn't she do great? :1b


    Of course we always come last, and we're particularly unpopular (unsurprisingly!) in Europe this year, so I'm not holding my breath for a great result, but this is one Eurovision programme I'll definitely be watching! :ph34r:

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  10. Hi Lois -
    Sorry you're having problems. Are you saying the apps are regularly logging out completely, so you have to use a full email and password to log back in again rather than the PIN?


    Can you give me the version number of the apps you're using? It doesn't look to me as though you've put a support ticket in about this, so you might prefer to give further information via a ticket?

  11. Hmm. The site (and therefore the caller I reckon) is genuine, although check carefully what the documentation he sends is.


    I think it really depends on the sort of music you play. I would guess that nursery rhymes and music designed specifically for young children (think of Sticky Kids for example) are made by session musicians who are paid a one-off fee, and therefore you wouldn't need to have a license to play this (that's kind of what they're designed for).


    But if, for example, you've got Christmas songs playing, or commercial dance music for music and movement sessions, then yes you would. Because it counts as public even if it's only your staff getting to hear the music.


    Not a massively definite yes or no then I'm afraid - you have to think about exactly what sort of music you play.

  12. Aha. Well the Christmas theme is only available on the updated version (this forum area is called 'Updated Tapestry').


    There's a similar announcement on the forum area for the old version of Tapestry, but I'd strongly recommend booking a slot and migrating as soon as possible. All accounts will be moved over by the end of the month, so knowing when it's going to happen is probably a Good Thing. Plus, you'll be able to switch the Christmas theme on! :1b

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