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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_13453

  1. My sister has just pulled out some knitting she found in her cupboard. She started these rompers for my granddaughter just before she was born. Ada was born in 2015 🤭🤭🤣
  2. I was going to ask the same question. Some folk - Admin I think - had red pencils.
  3. He’s very cute! I did have a go at felting and my fingers were really sore after one session!
  4. I’ve the basic hand crank singer in the loft. It only does straight stitch.
  5. I dabbled in patchwork a while back, but only made baby cot and pram blankets. That’s a good place to start - something small to see how you like it. Or maybe a cushion cover? I’ve a friend who has a very fancy machine and does quilting and they’re fabulous - seeing hers puts me off trying again unfortunately 😳🤭
  6. A picture? Sounds great. What size is it?
  7. I’m busy with this very fine cotton crochet throw at the moment, (scarf is light relief) it’s an overgrown granny square and it’s to be a wedding present for my daughter. To give you some idea, this is a picture of it on my double bed - it needs to be for a king size, and three rows back, I was at 150sets of trebles per side. A side takes about 45 minutes now. It’s meant to be a rainbow, but unfortunately I couldn’t get a red, so that one is kind of pink and doesn’t show up as hugely different from the orange on this photo, and the blue is a bit turquoise, but they are the only colours this manufacturer makes. At this scale it has to be exactly the same thickness. Each band of colour is twelve rows. I’m on the blue now, then purple and white again. I’m thinking I might do the spectrum again, but just with 6 rounds - what do you think? Stick to 12?
  8. Both of my old Bernina machines could do with a trip to the doctor really. They’ve both forgotten how to do fancy stitches after a couple of years of just masks and scrubs. 😳
  9. Has anyone got anything exciting on their needles at the moment? I’m just doing a boring scarf at the moment, but it’s good to have something mindless to pick up sometimes. I know there’s several folk on here who knit - so what’s your WIP?
  10. Oh crikey that’s frustrating! And I don’t expect they’d accept written next steps for the adults to support either! That’s a kick in the teeth really.
  11. Lots of Covid in our lovely primary school again - Yr 6 is back in a 'bubble' situation - 17/30 in that year group are off with C-19...what an awful time they are having, I feel for them Oh that’s really not good! It beggars belief that they’re saying children don’t need the masks on in school now. Numbers are higher than when masks were introduced, for goodness sake. I get the feeling that until one of these unfortunate children bring covid home and there’s a fatality in an MP’s household, then it’s not going to be taken seriously! I really feel like they’ve now said ‘oh let them just get on with it, I’m bored of it all now”
  12. Yes, I checked that. Feet are back to normal now - if anything, they feel a bit dry!
  13. That’s the first proper look at it I’ve had. It looks a lot more workable than the previous incarnations. How’s everyone finding it?
  14. What a great idea! What seeds did you get? had a totally frustrating afternoon after doing a batch of ironing. I decided that I’d do a fancy machine stitch round my hankies to make it more obvious which are mine - yes I know once they’re laundered it doesn’t matter, but, well……. Could I get the old Bernina to do a fancy pattern? Could I ‘eckerslike’! I even got the book of words out and checked I’d done it correctly. Yep, all the settings were just like the picture - by the end of it, I couldn’t even get an ordinary zig-zag! Goodness only knows what’s going on. Grrrrr.
  15. I hope today is a better day for you x.
  16. I know only too well what context you’re coming from there. As a staunch lover of the Anne books, I’ve used those quotes myself. let’s hope today is a much better one!
  17. Hi, a bit of a different POV. When we had a staff child in preschool, the staff member paid the normal rate for her son. One of the other members of staff complained that if she didn’t pay, it could be seen that she was getting paid extra. I wasn’t happy with it, but as staff member was very happy to pay, I felt I had to let it go. I did slide some extra sessions under the radar and ‘miss them off’ her monthly bill 🤭
  18. Thankfully she’s just received County guidance!
  19. Thanks for this. Extremely helpful x
  20. Proper madness! I’ve sent her that pic, and hoping that the phrase ‘limit their contact ….’ Could be utilised.
  21. Slightly off topic, but my limited account on here won’t let me post elsewhere. Please could you help my childminder friend? She has an account and uses Tapestry - she’s just not confident about posting on here and finding the right place. Please can I pick your wonderful brains? I’m a childminder, and I’ve said throughout the pandemic that if anyone has a positive case of covid in their household, then I will not have the little one. I am under increasing pressure from one family in particular because her ‘older two’ have apparently isolated separately from the rest of the house - which I don’t fully understand, to be honest! I could do with putting a message out today on my group conversation to parents. Would you maintain what I’ve said so far, or should I allow this one in on the parent’s say so? I really need your help on this one, please. What would you do?
  22. Also binge watched that this year - all of it including the end, which if you’ve not got there yet is a total shocker.
  23. Oh crikey! I hope she gets sorted quickly and she’s able to have the procedure quickly and it sorts things out! What a shocker for you though. 😳😳. Thinking about you extra ‘specially! So many ups and downs this year, and will continue here for the foreseeable with Zebedee’s cancer in his bones. But we’ve got my daughter’s wedding in August to keep positive for, and it’s something to aim at. wishing all my forum buddies a happy and healthy ‘22
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