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Posts posted by AnonyMouse_13453

  1. On 30/04/2023 at 10:24, sunnyday said:

    Two lovely 'makes' Cait.

    I have nothing to share - back to making squares for 'Knit for Peace' blankets and crochet edging all the squares knitted by the group - shhhh don't tell anyone I am quite happy doing this - it's all lovely, mindless and relaxing 

    Knit and Natter group made some great items for our nearest food bank through the winter - hats, hot water bottle covers (we also purchased the bottles) lap blankets, scarves...

    That’s really generous.   Our knit and natter made bees for Earth Day and they were scattered around the town, in shop windows and on letterboxes etc.  it was quite fun.  Yarn bombing!    We made neonatal blankets over the winter, and one of the ladies was sewing up long scarves that her aunt had knit in her old age and making them into a blanket to donate to a water boxes for Africa charity, I think she said.  

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  2. Oh and a hat for Zebedee as most of his hair has gone now.  It’s hand spun wool so has thick bits and scarily thin bits and occasional bits of a different colour caught in, so very random! He asked me to make ‘something bright’ so I think this fits the bill 🤣🤣🤭


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  3. I’ve finally got round to making up a peg bag kit that I bought in the first lockdown when everyone was sewing and baking!   It got put to one side whilst I produced scrub hats and masks of course and has kept resurfacing during every subsequent sort in my sewing room.   If I do another, I’ll simplify it considerably, not least by buying bias binding rather than parping about making it! 

    oh, and I won’t spend days hand quilting in a spiral with chain stitch! 


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  4. On 09/04/2023 at 22:05, zigzag said:

    I bet they went down well with the nurses.

    They did!  This week it was lemon buns with a swirl of lemon buttercream with a big white chocolate button in the top!  Chemo 4 went down well and he is glowing this morning 🤣

    • Like 4
  5. Welcome and hello from me too.   Naming rooms could depend on your surroundings or in the name of your preschool.  My previous preschool was named after an animal, so the younger end was just the name of the baby of that animal.  We just had two age block rooms.  

    Trees can be good as they’re gender neutral, ash, oak, beech, birch, elm, etc.  you could even have seedlings and saplings for the younger end.   

    I can’t think of a life cycle that breaks down into so many discrete parts, so, as Sunnyday suggests, maybe you could just keep it simple and just use the age band names to avoid any confusion and explanation of what they mean.   

  6. On 24/04/2023 at 12:49, sunnyday said:

    I have some good news to share!

    I have just been for physio and...I don't have to go again - whoop!

    I didn't really give him a lot of choice "I'm really hoping that you will say I don't need to come again"

    So I have to keep up the exercises, arrange another steroid injection without delay if needed, I am 'permitted' to try very short walks, but he advised about not pushing it.

    The 'horrible knee' is not so 'horrible' now - it is tender and a bit niggly and a little bit of the swelling remains - but so much better, thank goodness

    That’s brilliant news!  Onwards and upwards! 

    • Like 1
  7. On 21/04/2023 at 19:31, Froglet said:

    Thank you. There’s nothing in particular wrong - just feeling a bit lonesome and tired. I tried calling mum and dad on the way home and it was tricky - they’re getting old and I wish they weren’t. 

    I never did get the foot butter although I discovered that I have a pillow spray from the same people.

    And yes, a big chunk of the weekend is going to be working.

    Is the spray any good?  I’ve noticed that before and wondered - certainly less effort required if it is! 

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  8. On 16/04/2023 at 19:58, Froglet said:

    I have back to school nerves! Will I get up in time? Remember how to teach? Actually get home at a sensible time of the day this term? Always start with good resolutions but then ‘stuff’ happens!

    Ah, it’ll all be good.  Remember, don’t sweat the small stuff!   Don’t try to control things that are outside your control.   People’s reactions to things are a construct of their own making.  Nobody can make you feel mad, bad, miserable or gloriously happy, but yourself!   

    • Like 4
  9. On 14/04/2023 at 14:14, Mouseketeer said:

    I’ve had a number of children that I also had their parents in Pre-School, I’m a little worried if I stay much longer I’ll be getting the their children to 😳

    It was at that point that I retired!   The first load were my Brownies children, then the children of those children - time to go! 

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    • Haha 1
  10. Good morning!  I’m pleased to hear it went okay, validation is extremely important, especially from a professional!   Good!

    I’ve got a busy weekend too, we are holding our Eastertide lunch on Sunday so catering for 50plus.  It’s a free event with donations welcome.  I’m making all the gluten free stuff to replicate what’s being provided for the ‘muggles’ as well as sticky sausages for everyone.   I was meant to be making the cheese scones for everyone too, but someone else has volunteered!  So just making some GF ones now, a Victoria, chocolate cake traybake, quiche, etc.  I admit to having bought a pork pie and the bread as otherwise it all gets a bit overwhelming!   

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  11. Happy birthday FSF!   Crikey, where did the time go?   I managed a rural but very busy preschool for 25 years until my husband retired and we decided that I should too.   FSF was a lifeline for me in my working years - I joined shortly after Sunnyday and quickly struck up a friendship with her, and several others quickly became Forum Buddies!  HappyMaz, Mrs Weasley, Mundia, Panders, ZigZag, Froglet ……you know who you are!    

    I loved doing all the admin things and helping folk with all the paperwork forms we had to generate as evidence, back in the day! 

    Great fun in the chat room lounge - I hope someone shut the door and turned the lights out when it closed - many a hilarious evening spent in there! 

    Oh the birthday threads - so lovely to set up as well as receive!  Have they fallen by the wayside? 

    And yes, the Children in Need things and the limerick competitions!  I still have my FSF mug, pencil and notebook!   Such happy days - thank you FSF for taking away the stress of preschool management, you will never know just how much you were all truly instrumental in keeping me sane! 

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  12. On 01/04/2023 at 07:50, Froglet said:


    By the way, the time has come to update my school library seasonal display so if anyone has any suggestions for spring related stories I’d love to hear them - I’m thinking of ones along the themes of growing, young animals etc.

    Ooh. We had one about a young rabbit whose mum was having a fresh batch.  I’ll try and think what it was called.   

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  13. I’ve always been sad that my brother and sister in law (who is my husband’s sister) didn’t have children, as the gene pool was so tight with ours that they’d surely have been more than cousins! (Brother and sister married brother and sister) 

  14. We had a visit from our granddaughter this weekend in Zebedee’s ‘chemo window’.  So lovely to see Son and DIL, who had driven the 5 hrs to come and spend the weekend.   Thrilled that at aged 7, Granddaughter has finally mastered the swing in the garden, to propel herself so I don’t have to physically stand outside in the rain to push her!  Now I can watch through the patio door 🤭.  Being from Scotland, so doesn’t bother with a little thing like rain!  No such thing as ‘wet indoor playtime’ at her school, unless it’s absolutely whazzing down maybe? 
    I’m sure I was about 3 or 4 when I mastered the swing, but we had one in the garden, and I had a big sister. 🤷‍♀️    

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  15. On 23/03/2023 at 15:18, zigzag said:

    I do my feet, hands and temple! It has such a lovely smell not overpowering like most sleeping potions.  My poor Mum tried it and had the worst night sleep ever, only managed three hours.

    How odd! 

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