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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_30128

  1. we have an incredibly windy garden! it is pretty useless putting signs outside for us, so we write on things with chalk or use chalk markers on sticky blackboard paper (cheap rolls form the range) we draw on the floor and write arrows on equipment then let the rain wash it off and start again. The children pay a lot more attention to it and it doesn't destroy the environment. with needless plastic consumption. DO you need to label things outside ?
  2. This is an extract from one of our local nusery schools (maintained) regarding their funding. Considering they are a maintained setting i am surprised that they are able to do this...but it just shows how tricky it is to get funding right... The Government has implemented the Early Years New Funding Formula that takes effect on 1 April 2017. The formula sets out how much funding per hour our Nursery Schools receive for each child taking up a funded place. Despite the Government’s promise to give Local Authorities enough funding to maintain current levels for Maintained Nursery Schools, our Federation is facing a significant reduction in funding per child per hour. Many of you will be aware of the Government’s election manifesto commitment to give working families 30 hours of free childcare for 3- and 4-year-old children from September 2017. Early Years providers, including Maintained Nursery Schools, are not obligated to provide the extended entitlement. The Decision Process The Governing Body is committed to our core purpose of providing outstanding Early Years education to as many children and families as possible and this is always at the forefront of any discussions. Using the new levels of funding, the Governors performed an analysis of how the Nursery Schools will be affected financially if they offered the extended entitlement. It has become very clear that if we offered the 30 hours under the current levels of funding, the Nursery schools would immediately go into deficit budgets. The Governing body has, therefore, decided that our Nursery Schools are not in a position to offer the extended entitlement due to the reduced funding. We fully understand and appreciate that this will be disappointing for some parents, but the Governing Body cannot implement an admissions procedure that will negatively impact on the sustainability of the Nursery Schools
  3. I think you need a new job!!! ....how disrespectful of her to do this in front of your staff. Not sure really what the difference between role play dancing and role play not dancing!!! I guess if the clothes were really long then for health and safety reasons i might sort them out and i would definitely move furniture away etc ...seems a bit petty maybe and i wouldn't ever describe this as a safeguarding issue . Our children often take dressing up outside !
  4. thanks sunny. there seems to be a penchant for inspectors around here to ask staff what cse is and what to do about it or what they know about CL etc just trying to ensure we know what all of them are!
  5. Even our maintained nurseries don't offer 30 free hours because they can't afford it! however we had to fnd a way to do it or we would have struggled for clients. I think the trick is to work out demand and then costs and then find a way of charging that amount ... we have 2 funded sessions joined with an unfunded lunch (which is voluntary!) I have worked hard to ensure we can afford to do it and have had to argue lots along the way but this method is working currently. ..stick to your guns if you know it won't work don't do it! but if you can it might be viable
  6. Does anyone have a list of safeguarding abreviations....feel i need to keep track (memory skills not what they used to be!)
  7. had forgotten about the Barbie book Though i do remember one of the stepping stones said something like child can fit inside a box!
  8. Well there i was thinking maybe i should celebrate my 6000 post when along came the best opportunity CONGRATULATIONS to ALL the team and thank you for your help/insight/support and quite a bit of fun you've given me over the last 10 years XXXXX
  9. I apologise about my spelling (must make sure i wear my glasses!) I found one online reckon i'll do a rehash on that one
  10. Thanks for uploading much apreciated . Not quite right for us but really good to see a layout. My trustees do not do any of the day to day stuff!
  11. I'd be really interested to see how this works...who will lead it...who will write it up...how will any recommendations be handled and what if you diagree? I hope also that you get an HV who has knowledge of childrens educational development as they sometimes don't appear to know what children should be doing and when. Look forward to seeing if this will be rolled out in other counties.
  12. we get parents to sign a contract that states they will give 6 weeks term time notice ...or they will be charged at our full rate for that 6 weeks . It seems to sort out some of the issues and calling it a contract helps. We say we send it to a solicitor if they don't comply (which we have had to do once!)
  13. Does anyone have any trustees roles and job descriptions. Need to get them done quickly and i've run out of time!!!!! (not committee....so don't have"jobs"
  14. up to 28 depending on ages. I have had to reduce number of 2 year old spaces just can't afford staffing for them. so normally 24 3 year olds (3 staff) and 4 2 year olds with 1 staff. We do not get additional funding for most of our send chidren and if i do i now spend it on specialist services (SALT/Physio etc)
  15. we are also a not for profit...but rarely make any money even with an ON ratio staff number hard work though...now working 10 hours a day with lots of eal and send...could they do better with more staff ....yes. but i simply can't afford it. I have had to decide to support the staff i have with higher wages etc than to employ another person. If we are desperate i have two qualified parents who step in.. Not happy but at least we are still in business.
  16. Anyone got any recommendations for online Health and safety refresher training? (not too long or boring please!)
  17. we had a terible year last year...this year much better. We have done a lot of additional marketing and spent a bit of money on that . we have also changed our rules (yet again) to allow those under 3 to take up 3 sessions until funded but then MUST take up 5 (or 10) We have a strict 6 weeks notice period and charge if this is not completed. We now run on 4 staff not 5 (though really need 5!) and we've put in additional services too. Upshot is we are much healthier financially and the lists for september is looking good
  18. yes i do exclude. Children are normally quite unwell with a high temperature. Any child needing temperatutre control medicine is too ill to be at pre-school . I treat it like cpox so exclude until the spots are drying out . It's a nasty little bug and spreads through fluids (i think) so coughing sneezing etc . If babies are putting fingers in mouths and then putting these on toys the infection will spread rapidly. There are lots of things on the list that say don't exclude but i think you have to make your own rules and if this is spreading you may need to take action. Staff can also catch it!!
  19. we currently have two little ones who have to sit on chairs if i want them to concentrate for story as they are unable to 'hold' themselves on the floor . I agree with Zigzag in preschool (and actually i would say for the whole eyfs) it's not appropriate to force them to do this....what does she want them to do ? listen or sit ???
  20. info from my youngest they wern't allowed to use it at Uni!
  21. do you think she's a Mum who wants it to fail? i've had these in the past and got to the right now do you want this or not conversations!!???!! You want them to stay? ok then you need to x y z !
  22. Seems to be the best option for us too and the "see who can get it on the box before i count to 10!!"
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