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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_13453

  1. I’ve just back to back watched ‘plebs’ on iPlayer. Two seasons! Well, I had to dk something to avoid the interminable things that Zebedee is watching!
  2. I’d have done exactly the same! Sometimes it’s just a matter of balancing what is more important. Xx hugs to you both (+1)
  3. The problem seems to be that her practice is still waiting for authorisation to carry the vaccine. (No, I don’t understand that either, it’s a really big practice)
  4. Thank you Blondie, but that entails her going to them, and she’s not able to do that x
  5. Not really, unfortunately. One of the carers rang her GP yesterday and they said that they’ll come as soon as they are able to. It’s just yet another demonstration of poor organisation. We keep reassuring her that she won’t be forgotten, but when everyone else was done last week, it really looked as though she had been! She’ll be making the local news soon perhaps as the last 87 year old to be done!
  6. A very tiny improvement on the last number, but still higher than it should be!
  7. It’s very much a lottery though. My Mum lives in sheltered apartments and last Wednesday all the over 80’s were done except her, because she has a different GP practice! Her practice hasn’t got its authorisation to carry them out yet! She’s 87, clinically vulnerable and housebound. How they can leave her out beggars belief!
  8. Yes I know what you mean about bring the only one working. My summer holidays were always like that. Doing all the paperwork and cleaning everything, prepping everything for new starters, doing policies etc. If I suggested that they might want to come in and prep their key children’s trays I was met with ‘no I’m on holiday’ or some such, or they come in with very bad grace. So no, absolutely doesn’t sound selfish!
  9. I think you did right! It’s important that they know the impact that their decisions are making
  10. Does that enable you to keep the full funding?
  11. Yep. Mojo completely gone, even for sewing! I got fabric out and cut ready and I’ve just walked away and left it. I had to move it to iron a couple of masks on Wednesday morning
  12. We get Tyne Tees and Cumbria news. There is a Yorkshire one but we can’t get it because the church spire blocks the signal apparently
  13. I’ve not read it or seen the film, but it looks like one to watch on my iPad when Zebedee is watching one of his ‘interesting wartime documentaries’
  14. Lavinia is one of those names we don’t come across any more, isn’t it? Unless anyone has one in their group? ‘Lettuce’ is another. How anyone could name their daughter that has always puzzled me, but it was quite common in the twenties I believe
  15. Take that paintbrush out of your ear and give it back to Lavinia
  16. I wrote about this when I was doing my foundation degree in early years many moons ago! It was seen as a problem right back then, and nothing seems to be resolved yet! All children come with their own set of ‘special needs’ individual to that child, it’s when they become more complex and specific to an individual that we have to go down the route of labelling to access help and funding for extra support. Whilst that system is in place, a label is, unfortunately necessary. If it was possible to access support without a label, that would help! I can remember having a child that her parents and I were sure was autistic, it was obvious that we would need support to help her, but she had to have that official label in order for us to get help. On my course we also pondered the usage of the terms ‘disability’ and ‘dis-ability’ and whether we felt differently about the connotations of the labels. We used to use the term ‘Big Helper’ as sometimes the actual individual would change, or be absent for some reason. Someone else could then be called upon to be the ‘Big Helper ‘ for the session.
  17. Ooh I didn’t watch! What was the nub of it?
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