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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_30128

  1. WHYYYYYYY???!!! .....well to be honest there's a shortage of nappies around here so they may not have a choice (that is a moan at their parents NOT you BTW!)
  2. we had one child who we were struggling to sort out ...we were told quite firmly that he would need a keyworker to go with him (maybe because he has SEND?)
  3. wow what a day. The confusion caused by the government advice is rediculous....i just wanted to assure people that Everyone should be in isolation unless they have essential jobs...the safest place for the children is at home with their parents . It is also the safest way to ensure our society gets back to normal, quickly Please don't open for children unless they REALLY need to be with you and have no one else to look after them. Think of your family and your staff...please don't put them at risk
  4. there is some guidance on the DFE site this morning about this . You only need one keyworker in the partnership . However all children SHOULD be kept out of school if at all possible
  5. I think a message to your LEA would be the way to go at present since we don't know when we are reopening. I guess when we reopen then a message to ofsted by email to say we're back up and running (so that they can come and inspect us!) ....i have NO official guidance on this just my thoughts
  6. i have spent much time today sorting out packs for our children...gone down the creative line, paper crayons bag of bits and pieces a few printed items etc etc ...all the items they would have used over the next couple of weeks plus a book each from our VAST collection upped the twitter stuff and will be using tapestry too (Thank goodness for TAPESTRY!!!)
  7. Still awaiting info from the borough about this...have you heard officially? I don't think we're allowed to stay open for the other children though...we need to keep the numbers low to stop cross infection
  8. I really must re-read my messages today...sorry about the mistakes!. Yes i did read that...changed my keyworker numbers by a few!!!!!
  9. One of our childminders just messages me to say shes heard from Tesco Costa and sainsburys offerig support but nothing from the LEA
  10. our poor childminders havent had anything so far either
  11. if this is any help to anyone..... https://www.gov.uk/government/news/schools-colleges-and-early-years-settings-to-close?fbclid=IwAR0WRN0d_ghcIkFHXuea3nRtwxLcwg7q8CKJ2bdqfoa-srrYhTFkBt-_-os
  12. I think this was sprung on them too today...we were only contacted this afternoon...still awaiting for info from ours (across the border a bit!!)
  13. We will not charge if we are closed...however i have already had a couple of parents tell me they are going to pay anyway! you could do what some of the theatres are doing and ask them to consider paying due to exceptional circumstances...or come up with some sort of discount/benefit. I have had theatre tickets cancelled for London but they are giving me a voucher for 110% off next time...no refund but encouraging future booking The other tickets i have have asked me to think about donating the money.
  14. We have just been contacted by our LEA to ask if we would be prepared to provide spaces for keyworkers children. I assume from this therfore that they are planning to keep us open. To be honest i am happy with this although i know some will not be, as we already have keyworker children in the setting We have offered places for 4-8 year olds if required. (various reasins for the age grouping!!!) we are set up for holiday club too so ok till Easter.
  15. IN these times of stress we all need a littel 'AAH momnet' thought i would share mine from yesterday. We have one of our little ones off (because they live with elderly relatives) She made a picture for a friend at pre-school yesterday and shared it with us on tapestry, I linked the other child in to the ob sent from mum and sent it to both, The friends Mum posted back last night that "that was absolutley the best thing that has happened in my day !" ...this has also started me thinking about how i can use tapestry to support my families if they are not at pre-school. Will you be doing anything for them (apart from paperwork!!!) if you are off work?
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me too XXXXXX sending virtual hugs which in light of the current climate are the only ones your getting!!!!
  17. i would absolutely agree the funding is NOT their money it is ours. Speak to an MP!! (if they aren't off sick)
  18. i guess if its close or use a parent maybe a parent would be ok. You can use them in ratio and if they are not DBS checked as long as they have no unsupervised access to the children.
  19. Im ok at the moment and we have some reserves but there will be others around here who will go under. We do have funded children but i dont make money from them only the fees
  20. Have to say that many of us will go out of business if we are forced to close... i am happy to be open currently but i dont have any elderly or infirm relatives to worry about
  21. yes ours have sent a letter...i would demand info!!
  22. Blooming annoying isn't it!!??? feel a complaint coming on. Are people refusing entry to anyone with a cough OR a high temperature now?? just trying to keep abreast of what seems to be a minute by minute change!!!
  23. I agree sunnyday...when i spoke to the lawyer she was very cross that anyone withholds payment as "every penny should be going to the children" she was very affronted on our behalf!
  24. It was difficult to find! but yes it is the noifiable disease bit that is attached to the higher premium catagories. We already pay a premium to cover the amount of revenue we have but i'm not in the group 5 catagory. they are now not insuring any new claims for that / they won't let you upgrade and you will need to have had it in place since the 14th feb. If you log in to your EYA accoun the info about Corvid is on there and you can follow the trail!
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