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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_30128

  1. I have had a lady ask me about how i would handle a 3 year old boy wanting to be a girl. (expressing this through thought and actions) I have to say he is not in my setting and she is a trustee. I have answered to the best of my ability...but anyone have any experience of this. (there was a thread but can't find it!!)
  2. our parents donate some items (like wipes) we now ask if possible that these are recyclable /biodegradable...bit cheeky but if you're only donating a pack a half term not too bad! unfortunately used tissues are not recyclable BUT i suspect they could go in the compost??!! we have a compost bin which the children are using well (small sealed box on the table) we have recycling bins (our borough is good for this..even recycles tin foil/textiles and small electrical items now!!) We accept donations of toys...keep what we need and charity shop or recycle the rest. We use recycled materials (cable drums/gutters /planks etc etc) we avoid plastics and ask for parents not to supply drinks for lunch. We have recently sent out another leaflet to help parents make good choices for lunch boxes. We have a parent who donates paper ..unused from a local school!!!! We have a tassimo machine for the staff which is driving me a bit mad as it's tricky to recycle the pods...we are contemplating changing this at xmas. My biggest issue is trying to get our cleaners to follow any sort of recycling system!! the children are fab at it!
  3. we run from an old church hall (no longer owned by the church) but with a D1 useage. Our rateable value for the building is K27 !! we get 80% discount because we are supplying early years education and another 20% because we are a charity. (so no rates!) but the 20% is discretionary and could be applied in the future
  4. i fear you are right. Unless someone stands up for our industry and fights for us then we are all going to suffer...but what annoys me more than anything is that this is not supporting families/nor is it going to help children. Baa humbug
  5. Glad Mr S feeling better Keep warm Froggie....wear a vest Where has this week gone?? we had our first xmas movie at after school club
  6. I find myself saying something like we are all part of the same team. We need to work together as a team. We need to be friendly to everyone. also ...we don't do that here ! it's not kind and is making people sad ...you wouldn't like it if they said it to you (kind of thing!) . It can be really unkind but is the way they work out how relationships work of course.
  7. Hubby away seeing his mum tonight and daughter going out so all my my own (well apart from the dogs and the cat!!!) . Local school has decided it might like to do Tapestry...am feeling conflicted by this! It will make life easier to transfer info but it's OUR thing!!! and i feel they are encroaching on everything we do at the moment, also i am fairly open about my thoughts on here...might have to reign it in a bit if they join Been a really busy week, three new very young starters (the youngest ones we take) i realise why we don't take any more when they are in the setting! We are definitely at the point of needing more hands on the floor in the mornings ...three high needs SEND and lots of EAL as well as the 2 year olds is taking it toll. I seem to have a group who are not toilet trained /have NO independence skills and can't make eye contact for toffee..is it just me or is this the trend for the year? I did have a breakthrough moment today though where one of my tricky ones(!) had a melt down and we managed to work through it....she ended up saying sorry to me (unsolicited) ..it was VERY sweet ..nearly made me cry Good news is that this group seems to be in to their singing though which is fantastic ...nativity looming
  8. Just wondering how you were getting on with this? Who gave you this advice? ??
  9. yes i saw this too. Not going to help that early years will be high on the agenda for the 'new' governement with more money?????!!! although i am all for Mantained settings getting the funding they want i suspect that it may not be good news for the rest of us. Boris is suggesting either all 2's will be funded or he will up 15 hours to cover the whole year....either way going to be tricky. As for Jeremy !!! hummmm will they learn from their mistakes??
  10. You need to check on the acas website ...there's lots of info on there. I seem to remember it's based on an average week and then split (if that makes sense!)
  11. Soil can contain e-coli as can rice ...as can children! Shall we ban.them.all??
  12. I can find no evidence to say playing with rice is dangerous. There are issues when cooked and there may be other issues surrounding the ethics of using food. Can I ask who said this and for what reason? We play with rice often ..flows well and can be coloured easily. Cheap when buying basic too
  13. Oh for heavens sake i nearly missed this!!! sorry! Hope the rest of your day is AMAZING to quote strictly xxx
  14. Yes i can envisage that ...absoultely can see a super-cute lion
  15. Flippin too cute for words... lovely boy!!
  16. BTW just an onbervation from one of my littlies today...enough to make your heart melt. He had created an arrangement with jewels and said.... "I made this for everyone in my family. It's called a love thing" I asked him if he wanted me to take a picture of it and he replied "yes please, can you take a picture and send it to me. Can you send it to them. It's called a thing for everyone, it's called a love thing. I've worked very hard on this."
  17. The beard is wonderful.....mix of casting on and off?? or a kind of knotting thing???
  18. WooHOO sorry everyone its the beginning of my half term and off to Yorkshire on monday for a 4 day break!. I have loads to do (expecting the big O soonish) really need to knuckle down but we have had a challenging start to the year (AGAIN!) just getting little ones sorted and then i have another 3 starters after the break
  19. haha no there IS an elephant in the room...he's standing behind the pumpkins!!
  20. ask not for whom the bell tolls!?!?!?!?
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