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Everything posted by AnonyMouse_30128

  1. now we run our after school club we are pretty much dictated by the local schools holidays!
  2. more sad news this morning https://www.nurseryworld.co.uk/news/article/charity-that-operates-nurseries-goes-into-liquidation I hope none here is involved ...sad for all involved
  3. quick books apparently £4 per month plus £1 per employee
  4. 19th for children 20th for staff but weve got nativity/show and pj day to get through before then
  5. URMMMM how come people have only got 2 weeks left! we've still got 3 and a half!!!
  6. I do apologise about my spelling this week...put it down to tiredness or age or stupidity or....
  7. Payroll companies tend to be quite reasonable..have you checked them out? they charge per employee and will sort out pensions etc too. Or you could use a system like quick books? my administrotor does ours but there is some skill in sorting it our due to the way we calculate our wages (rolled up pay)
  8. my deputy did the look to me! made worse by the fact the mother then said...oh and i qualify for 30 hours!!!!
  9. Thank you Yes much better...jsut as well really Although i did have a prospective parent come in....ever get one of those children through the door that you take one look at and think...OH BOY!!
  10. unfortunately i can't be that flexible...but thank you for the tought!!! we are a one room 30 max per session setting with currently 4 staff on the floor (used to have 5 but can no longer afford it) ...do you think the government have ANY idea how much of an issue this is for settings???
  11. the system notifys them of a new report once you click the eye icon (making it visable to them) Havent tried to do it without allowing access to evrything else so not sure. We set up a flase account at one point to check these things out...was VERY useful when trying to get to grips with everything good luck
  12. Can any of you tell me how you are managing your 30 hour spaces (if you offer them)...we are struggling a bit as we don't hold spaces but are now being forced in to this because people are booking 3 unfunded sessions to start then wanting to up to 10 funded sessions when their 30 hours kicks in....esentially we are then holding those 7 session for a term...or even 2 terms Anyone got any wise words (other than don't do 30 hours!!)
  13. Please tell me it's friday already Started this morning with a very ill Dog and an emergency trip to the vets ...came out £450 lighter and two hours of sleep lost (but the dog seems ok ) Member of staff off all week having a nasty procedure in hospital so staff team short. Some very tired and grumpy children who have obviously done way too much over the weekend (seperated parents competing) one chidl very rude to me whilst i was showing a new parent around....GREAT! fortunately she was polite enough not to notice! THEN to top it all turned around to find one of my SEND charges spreading poo ALL over the home corner...ARRRGGGHHHHHH. He made a really good job of it too ...roll on tomorrow
  14. trying to remember what people have done before..think a sort of statement saying "by filling in this you agree to xxxxxxx etc"
  15. first of the nativity play gafaws ! daddy i don't think that baby's going to be comfy. Why Cos he's got crisps for a bed
  16. we are a charity so that is a consideration also ...but our local authority is offering low rates to some businessess because the rents are SO high around here Good luck!
  17. In islamic tradition (muslim) dog saliva may be classed as unclean. Children from these backgrounds may be fearful of dogs and parents may be particularly cautious.(Egyptians may well follow this religion!) We have such a diverse group that it is normal for us to have many religions represented...but like others have said that doesn't mean they follow their religion!
  18. we have registers going at the beginnning and end of each session. As the children take off their shoes and line them up we know how many are in/out, however i do not continually check. My garden is secure i know which children i need to keep a close eye on and they free flow without difficulty. We have staff inside and out so i don't feel we need to keep checking...our Lea advisor at one time suggested the children could go in the garden on their own ...i hasten to add that they don't!!! we have walkie talkies to use if needed and we try to stick to a reasonable amount of children in each persons care but i don't overly supervise this. However this works for our setting, the children we have and the layout. You would need to ensure your systems are safe and secure for your setting.
  19. Perhaps they could post the information link on here? lots of students do that...much more likely to get a reasonable response if you make it easy for people. Some of us like our anonymity!!!!
  20. How very annoying!! would your local LEA have a word?? or have a word with your MP?
  21. do you not get any for being a 'small business' either?..your building must be really big!!!!
  22. just a little word of caution (sorry) just be careful with some religions as some may not agree with having a dog in the preschool
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